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It wasn't until the following friday that I found myself standing in front of the Johnson's property. Well, Elias' property now. It is already dark outside, but we've already gotten most of my stuff into my new room throughout the whole week, so all that is left of my books is right in this box, that I'm currently holding.

On Sunday, the day after I agreed to move in with Elias, I got to choose my room. Needless to say that I'm now the owner of the master bedroom, which the Johnson's used for whenever Elias was sleeping over at their house.

He did tell me that it was alright if I took it and he was going to move his things. I still feel kind of bad about it, but he didn't let me take one of the other rooms. It is almost triple the size of my bedroom in my old apartment, that I sold. Yes, I sold it. I still can't believe I did, but I decided even if this doesn't work out, with the money I got for it, I will search for another apartment. Maybe one without a history like that.

I sigh and look at the huge house again. I see the lights turned on through the windows, meaning Elias is already home. He told me that there could be a possibility that he wasn't going to be here when I arrived, because he had a little emergency at work. I still don't know where he works, though.

I step onto the porch and open the door, surprised at the fact that it is actually unlocked. We would need to talk about that. Because even though this is a good neighbourhood, there are still bad people in this world. That reminds me, I still haven't told my parents about my new home, but I'll think of a way later. Right now, all I want to do is see Tobias.

I close the door slightly after walking in, to be surrounded by silence. I frown and place the box of books down, before taking off my coat and shoes. I take small and silent steps forward, gaping while passing the kitchen and the living room on my way towards the staircase.

I have been in here when I picked up Tobias' stuff, but it's only now that I realize it has changed a lot in here since I was a teenager. The walls in the hallway, which used to be covered in flower wallpaper, are completely gone, giving this house a more modern and open touch. The walls are white and covered with paintings and such.

When I finally make it to the staircase, I realize they also got rid of some of the upper floors and so the hallway, which leads towards the living room and the kitchen, has a high ceiling. How did I not notice this when I picked out the room?

"Elias?" I yell as I walk up the staircase. As soon as I opened my mouth I hear that excited little tip tap of Tobias' feet and instantly smile. I haven't seen this guy in almost a week, because I had work and Elias offered to take him until I moved in.

"Hey, lil man." I say and crouch down when I got to the top of the stairs. Tobias pants excitedly and licks my hands, covering them with drool. I giggle and continue patting him.
"Look, who finally arrived." I hear Elias say and look up to meet his smirking face. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't think about him during this week. Which is weird, since I still don't really know him. But hey, I'm moving in with him.

He is wearing a pair of red pajama bottoms and a grey v-neck. He has his muscular arms crossed over his chest, giving him a somewhat intimidating impression. His face looks as flawless as always and his hair is sexily disheveled. What a sight.

"Hey." I say and straighten my back again. He chuckles when I wipe Tobias' drool onto my jeans.
"There's a bathroom. You already know where your room is, so I think I don't have to show you that. I made dinner, if you want some." He tells me, walking towards the bathroom and I nod.

"Thanks. I'll be down in a minute." I tell him and walk into the small room, the smell of citrus fruit reaching my nose as soon as I close the door. I look around with wide eyes. It's so clean in here. Almost impossible for me to think Elias Coleman lived in this house for a week already. I shake my head and wash my hands.

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