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I feel something wet caressing my cheek and turn my head away, hoping it would leave me alone. But a second later I feel that exact same feeling on my neck. I groan and force my eyes open, only to have them close immediately after, due to the brightness that just almost blinded me.

"Good morning, sunshine." I hear that annoying voice say. I groan and try to open my eyes again, slowly this time so they can adjust to the brightness in this room. I look around for a second, confused as to why I'm in my living room. Until all the things that happened yesterday come rushing back into my memory.

Tobias is sitting in front of me, his face right next to mine and it doesn't take me long to realize, that he's been the one licking my cheek. I groan again and sit up, slowly. It's only now that the smell of bacon reaches my nose and I look over to a cooking Elias Coleman. A shirtless, cooking Elias Coleman.

"Wha-" The words get stuck in my throat when he turns around, showing off his muscular body. Of course he has a six pack. I watch in confusion when he kneels down and places two slices of bacon into Tobias' bowl, mixes his dry food with them and pours a little bacon grease in it as well.

Tobias quickly runs over to his food and finally eats. I open my mouth in amazement, making Elias chuckle.
"I'm guessing you weren't around long enough to see my grandma always mixing some meat into his dry food. Because the dry food alone gives Tobias a belly ache." Elias says, wiping his hands with the kitchen cloth.

"It's okay, I'm willing to teach you about Tobias' likes and dislikes." He says, placing the rest of the bacon stripes onto a plate, before coming over with them. I see two pieces of toast placed next to the stripes and raise an eyebrow. Is that his breakfast?

My unasked question is answered as soon as he plops down on the couch next to me, after I successfully pulled my feet away to make space, and eats the bacon and toast. Not to sound bratty or anything, but this is disgusting. Filling your body with fat as soon as you wake up. He pushes the plate in front of me, silently asking if I want some too, but I quickly decline.

He shrugs and continues eating his breakfast. I look over at Tobias, smiling at the way he's devouring his food. Just like Elias.
"Not to be rude or anything, but why are you still here?" I ask the man, who just yesterday counted as a stranger to me.

"I told you I'm willing to show you Tobias' ways." He says, making me frown. I jump slightly when his hand touches my cheek. What the?
"You had some drool there." He shrugs, going back to eating his food.

"Okay, but why are you naked?" I ask, willing my eyes to look down at his naked abdomen. He chuckles and places the empty plate on the coffeetable in front of us, before turning his body to me.

"Naked? If I were naked, sunshine. Then we wouldn't waste all that time with talking." He smirks, touching my knee, that is still covered with the blanket I slept in last night. I glare at him and slap his hand away, making him roll his eyes.

"I slept in this and Tobias slept on my shirt, so now it's full of drool. I put it in the washing machine when I woke up, hope you don't mind." He answers, before standing up.

"And now, I'm going to take a shower. Maybe if you're good, I'll come out with only a towel around my waist." He winks, shocking me for enough time to walk into the bathroom and lock the door. My bathroom and my door. And did he say he put his shirt in my washing machine? Who does he think he is?! He's acting as if he lives here!

"Elias Coleman, you get out of my shower this instant!" I pound on my own bathroom door and stomp my foot on the ground when all that I hear is his laughter slowly being suppressed by the sound of the running water. I kick the door angrily before turning to my kitchen, ready to get a knife and kill him as soon as he steps out.

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