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"Didn't we agree to not make this awkward?" I hear a slightly irritated voice ask me from behind. I silently hiss and turn around to face Elias.

"Yes?" I answer him. Last night has been really awkward after the kiss. The thing is, it wasn't even a proper kiss. Our lips brushed against each other's and yet I felt like I was on cloud seven.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" He asks and I frown. I did avoid him all day, feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed. I left early today for work, had enough time to sleep two more hours, but I had to get out.

I ignored his calls and just got home. I was happy he worked longer than me. But I got thirsty and walked downstairs. That's when he came home. And now, here we are.
"I'm not." I lie, but he sees right through my lie.

"You're acting as if we did something bad. We didn't even kiss, Hannah. It wasn't even a peck." He says, his voice hinted with anger.
"I know. But it was still awkward." I'm not about to tell him that I was this close to loosing my first kiss to him.

"Get over it." He growls and turns back around to walk upstairs. I sigh and put my face in my hands. Now he's mad and I take the blame. I should really get over it. If it's so easy for him, why would it bother me?

I follow him and knock on his door. He glares at me when the door swings open.
"I'm sorry. It's just all new to me and I'm kind of freaking out because of the dinner tonight and- I'm sorry." I sigh and drop my head. I feel him stepping closer.

"I'm sorry for snapping. I just felt like you were making a huge deal out of nothing, really. I get it if you don't like me like that. But it's irritating me. I don't like being ignored." He says, making me nod. He takes my chin and lifts it up.

"Don't worry about the dinner, sunshine. Just relax. They're your family, your home." He says, making me smile. They are and they shouldn't make me feel anxious.
"Thanks." I say and he nods, his hands traveling down my arm to connect our fingers again, but I pull away before anything could happen.

He clears his throat and looks away, his jaw clenched.
"I'll go and prepare myself for the dinner." I say, pointing behind me. He looks up at the clock hanging above me.
"You need two hours for that?" He asks, making me shrug.
"Mentally." I admit and he smiles and steps closer again.

"Want me to help you? Like role play or something?" He asks, standing a little too close again. I narrow my eyes at him. Is he doing this on purpose? He looks confused. How can he come this close to me again after I just pushed him away? What is wrong with that guy?!
"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" I ask, anger hinted in my voice. He looks irritated and lost.

"What?" He asks, making me glare at him even harder.
"Of course you do. That's just another game for you. You keep coming this close to me, making me- and when I pull away you get mad. I'm sorry I'm not one of those girls." I say through gritted teeth. It makes sense now.

"What the hell? No, it's not a game and sorry, I didn't notice." He says, frowning and stepping a step away from me.
"Yeah, sure. Just stop already. It's not funny and it makes our situation just more complicated." I snap and he swallows hard.

"I'm sorry." He says, more forced and angry than necessary.
"Should've thought about this, before-" I start, but cut myself off. Before I started liking him.
"Before our lips touched?! Is it that big of a deal for you that you run around, thinking I'm playing some stupid game with you?" He snaps.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Just stop and we'll be fine." I say and turn around to leave. But he grips my elbow. Too close!
"I really think it would be better if we talk it out. Before last night, it was okay when I touched you like that. I'm sorry if I got the wrong impression." He says and I shake my head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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