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"Slow down, speedy." I hear Elias shout after me, but I just continue walking, actually running towards his truck. I can't believe they want me to move in with him. Where does he even live? I get why it's a better idea to live in only one home for Tobias, but... I don't know Elias. At all!

I never had a man in my apartment, involuntarily of course, and I don't mind my independence. Growing up with five siblings is hard enough and I actually appreciated the fact that I was living alone for a while. Of course, after two years I did start getting lonely, but I distracted myself with books and magazines.

"Hey." It didn't take Elias long to eventually catch up with me and when he does, he grips one of my shoulders, so I turn around to face him. He has a small, innocent smile plastered on his face, but I see right through that. Just like I did when he showed up at my apartment the other day.

"Don't touch me." I slap his hand away. He rolls his eyes, before running that hand through his already disheveled hair.
"Okay, I get it. You need time. And I respect that. But we both know we should at least try it, sunshine. Tobias-" Elias stops himself, before looking down at a panting Tobias, before continuing.

"He doesn't really have a lot of time anymore." He whispers to me and I blink at him confused. Why?
"What?" I ask and he sighs, clearly uncomfortable. Right before he's about to explain, my stomach decides to make this growling noise, that reminds me that I haven't eaten anything all day.

"How about we get a snack and I tell you everything then. Come on, it's on me." Elias chuckles after hearing it and begins walking towards his truck again, Tobias right behind him. I groan quietly and follow. Food sounds really good, right now.

We drive for a while, no conversation made. But this time Elias' soft humming to a familiar tune fills the car. What song is that? I swear, I know it. I was too busy thinking about the song to realize Elias' stare at me. We stopped at a red light and I was just glancing at him, when he was already looking. How long has he been staring? I'm about to open my mouth when he beats me to it.

"Ever heard of Darmetir's?" He asks, making me raise an eyebrow. What?
"Pardon?" I ask, making him chuckle.
"Darmetir's. It's a restaurant." He explains and I shake my head. Definitely never heard of that one. He smiles and starts driving again when the light turns green.

"Lives in this city long enough and hasn't been to Darmetir's once." He shakes his head, clearly talking to himself.
"Hey! I was born here. Only my parents decided after the third kid that they wouldn't want to put up with screaming and misbehaving little spawns whenever they went out." I shrug.

"Wow, big family problems, huh?" He jokes and I let out a small laugh, before nodding.
"How many siblings?" He asks me.
"Well, we're six, so I have five." I answer, making him whistle.

"Let me guess, you're the oldest?" He asks, making a left turn. I shake my head.
"I'm actually the third." I inform him.
"Damn, a middle child." He mutters and I raise an eyebrow, but let that slip. What did he mean by that?

"How about you?" At this point, I turned my body fully towards him, surprised we're having a normal conversation.
"Only child. No interesting stories there, really." He says, avoiding eye contact. I'm guessing that's not his favourite topic.

"So how was it? Going out to restaurants?" I joke and he chuckles.
"Quite boring, actually. You didn't miss anything." He says and I smile, before a comfortable silence surrounds us again. I look out of the window to see a part of the city that I haven't been to before. I realize I should get out a little more often.

"We're here." He says as he smoothly parks the car in between two fancy cars. What kind of restaurant is that? Aren't we a little under-dressed? Nevertheless we hop out and get Tobias. Are dogs even allowed here?

For Tobias' Sake Where stories live. Discover now