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"I can't believe you have your own library." I say, gaping at the small room. Okay, so it might be a small library, but still a library. In my- Elias' house, where I live in. We are currently sitting on the couch in the room, where I just know I'll spend a lot of my free time on.

"It's our library. Actually yours, since I don't read." I hear Elias say and my head snaps towards him.
"What do you mean, you don't read?" I ask perplexed. There are people who don't read?

"I just don't. I'm more into movies and other stuff." He shrugs and I nod slowly, deciding not to argue about that. It's his life, his choices. I let my eyes roam around the room again.
"What kind of other stuff?" I ask him, trying to get some more information about him.

"I don't know, just not reading." He shrugs and smiles at me. The smile seems forced though.
"Okay." I answer. An awkward silence surrounds us.
"I thought you weren't going to be here, though, because you texted me you had an emergency at work." I remember, wanting to know what happened.

"Oh, yeah. There was a car accident happening in front of our garage. And well, they needed all the help they got. So I had to rush there. Came back before you arrived, though. I didn't know you would come this late." He says and I nod.

"Are the people alright?" I ask and he shrugs.
"I don't really know. One of them was drunk and there was blood everywhere, but let's hope, huh." he answers, smiling sadly at me. I look down at his knee slightly touching mine, ever since we sat down a few minutes ago.

He showed me so many things, I didn't even know this property had. We have a pool! Well, I can't really use it at this time of the year, but it's a pool! I told you about the library, which is like my highlight. I also got a glimpse of Elias' room, which has a terrace as well as mine. I even have a walk in closet. I feel so- worshiped? Is that weird? Because I know he is really trying to make me feel at home here.

"Penny for your thoughts." Elias says from next to me, his hot breath fainting my ear.
"I don't know. This all just feels surreal to me. I think I need a few days to adjust to this." I say, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, I know. I hope you like it here. It will be a change of scenario for the both of us, since I never really lived in a house and you obviously never had roommates." He says and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"What makes you think I never had roommates?" I ask him and he blinks a few times, before scratching his neck awkwardly.
"Well-" He thinks about it, before sighing and shaking his head.

"It seems like I really got a wrong first impression of you. How about you tell me a few facts of yourself? To get to know each other better?" He suggests, making me nod.
"Only if you start." I grin and he rolls his eyes, but nods while biting his lip. Oh god.

"I'm an only child. I was born and raised in Blackthorn, moved here when I was nineteen. My parents divorced after my grandpa died. I'm their only grandchild. I have a best friend, whose name is Ryan. I'm a mechanic. I'm good with the brushes. I've never kissed another guy. My favourite colour is red and I love Italian food." He tells me, making little breaks to think about the next fact in between.

"Wow... You never kissed a guy before?" I ask and he laughs. I found the fact that he felt the need to point that out really funny.
"What can I say? Not in this life." He answers, making me giggle.

"It's your turn, sunshine." He says and I nod, thinking about what to tell him and what not.
"Well, I have five siblings. I work in a kindergarten. I used to play clarinet when I was younger, waste of my time. I love reading romances and chicklits. I did go to college for a year, before deciding I didn't want that. I've never had a pet. I've never been clubbing before. I enjoy the nature and prefer the cold over the heat." I say and he nods, frowning. What?

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