The return of Butterfly and Peacock

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The next chapter!


Alex was still freaking out about what she just did.

She hadn't actually stolen anything, though. Marinette had given her a camera and told her to record the people that had shown up to try and capture her, but if any of them got to close to her hiding place, she was to activate her skates and leave. Thankfully that hadn't happened.

It wasn't until they got back to their hideout that Marinette had explained the reasons she had become a thief.

"So let me get this straight. There's an ancient evil organization, that wants to rule the world. The only people that can stop them are the Miraculous eight holders, that's us and six other people, because they also use magic to control those weaker than them. Six years ago they went silent and many of their members became important parts of Paris society. They are reactivating now and the people we rob are those part of the organization who might have clues to the lair of the mastermind leader. This isn't the first time you were Ladybug and you had two other partners, named Peacock and Butterfly, but the same time the organization went silent you guys disbanded and only you have reactivated. Did I get that right?" Alex said after summing up the entire speech that Marinette had just rattled off. Marinette smiled and said, "Yup." Alex laughed and took a deep breath.

Then she remembered something. "Hey, Mari?" Marinette looked up from the encoded papers she had gotten, "Yeah." Alex took a deep breath, "How come you get a motorcycle and I get a pair of skates?" Marinette looked at her for a second then smiled with a laugh.

"Alex look at your skates." 

"Yeah, what about them?" 

"You see that little firefly on the sides of both of them?"


"Press them and say the form of transportation you want."


Marinette backed away, knowing things would happen quickly. 

Alex muttered the word motorcycle and suddenly the skates started to expand and meld together, but still she held onto the little buttons. Until suddenly she wasn't holding a pair of skates she was holding onto either side of a fire orange motorcycle. She was speechless.

"It changes form to suit the person, I prefer a motorcycle, while you usually go for skates. It can be manually changed for a different pace, but the default is what you prefer." Marinette explained after laughing for a good five minutes.

It was 3 o'clock before they both got home. Alex didn't know how Marinette was able to do all of this without screaming, but she was glad that her friend trusted her, to reveal this secret.

The next Monday at school, Kim asked her why she was wearing a choker, while Alya went on and on about the heist last night. "I just felt like adding it." Was the reply he got. 

"Guys! Are you even listening?" Alya scolded them, after Felix and Bridgette left Alex and Kim started hanging out with them more regularly. They both shook their heads heads no. Alya just sighed, while Marinette quietly laughed at them.

"I'm sorry Alya, what were you saying?" Alex said in an attempt to apologize to Alya. "I was telling Marinette about how we're getting two new students from those private schools, as in two from each school. And how three of them would be in our class." Alya said after sighing.

A few minutes later they had to get to class. 

By the time they got there, the two new transfers were already there. Marinette had to hold Alex back from fighting two of them. They were... Lila and Dylan. (A.N.// Dylan is basically the guy version of Lila. Caused a little drama during the track and field games.)

Talking to the annoying two were Bridgette and Felix, they hadn't noticed the group had entered yet, and were looking like they were trying to find an escape route.

Then Felix noticed the group. "Well! Dylan it looks like it's time for you to get to your classes." he said coldly. Dylan was going to object but was interrupted by our favorite heroine. "Yes Dylan, you wouldn't want to be late for class. Would you?" Though Marinette's words were kind and concerned, no missed the underlying threat, leave now or die, Dylan left quietly, sending a glare towards Marinette.

Before Felix or Bridgette could thank her the teacher walked in and started class.

Meanwhile at the police station-

"WHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!?" Officer Roger could be heard as he stared at the little piece of paper, a thief's notice, on it in plain letters said:

Ladybug, your short rein is about to end

We will steal the Blue sky gem from the Petit Palais at 9 o'clock this Saturday

Can you steal it first?

Butterfly and Peacock 🦋

He then looked at the other notice, he had just received:

A test of wills?

I will steal the Blue sky gem at 9 o'clock from the Petit Palais this Saturday

Catch me if you can


Officer Roger was in charge of catching the thief known as Ladybug. At this point he could feel a headache coming on. Three of them?! He groaned and dropped his head. It was Monday, that meant he had almost a whole week to prepare. Suddenly he felt a little better.

Back at the school Marinette smirked. Six days to prepare Alex, she could do this.


Hey! So if you're reading this on a computer there might be a little white box next to the head of a bird. That box is supposed to be a butterfly. If you see a butterfly then ignore this.

Also the gem I said is completely fictional. The museum is not.

Dylan is a member of the same school that Felix goes to, hs is a known playboy, and all the girls love him. When he first saw Marinette he decided that she should be his.

Dylan during the time they were there tried to hook up with Marinette but when she embarrassed him in front of all three schools, all he wanted was to break her.

That's all for now! See ya later!

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