Paon Escapes

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Hehehehehehehehehehehe! I really do have way too much fun writing this... Oh well!

I. Own. Nothing. (ION)



Chat Blanc paces the area just outside the dungeon where they kept the prisoners. He glared at Hawk Moth's back. "That's it!? He insults you and we can't interrogate him for days!? How does that work!" 

Hawk Moth chuckled, "Don't you worry about that Blanc. He'll crack. Now I think it's time you and your friends return to your homes. I will be in contact when it's time to interrogate him further."

Chat growled but did as he was told. He may have been homeschooled but he knew well enough when someone was angry and trying to hide it. Hawk Moth was definitely angry about the way Paon delivered the insult.

So the greater-than-thou Hawk Moth got angry when some doesn't look him in the eye and talk to him. Chat smirked at the thought.

Walking right past his friends, he knew they got the message, Chat Blanc headed right out the front doors. He completely ignored Chloe, even though without her they wouldn't have Paon right now. Hawk Moth would reward her later.

---------With Hawk Moth---------------

After making sure that all of his minions had left, Hawk Moth  briskly walked to his own personal office and punched a wall. He growled under his breath.

That stupid child was making his own brainwashed minions doubt him! That was unacceptable. Hawk Moth knew that if he had left guards with Paon he would've convinced them to help him escape!

Hawk Moth smirked, "Let's see how charming he is after two weeks with no food!"

-------------------With Paon-------------------

Paon sat calmly in the middle of the floor, much as he had at the fake hideout. He boredly picked the locks on the chains around his feet and hands. Hawk Moth could be such a fool sometimes. Paon looked around at his cell, plenty of dark corners that the chains would easily stretch to, a large bed of hay, and a window within easy grasp. It's like Hawk Moth knew what their plan was and wanted to help them!

Felix chuckled at the thought of the master plan Marinette and Bridgette had come up with.

The plan in its entirety really was something to behold. First they had to know that Chloe would betray them, then that she would bring others with her to help capture him, after being interrogated for an unknown amount of time, get Hawk Moth himself to come, then make him so angry he forgot common sense for a moment and ordered the guards away, leaving Felix free to escape anytime he wants.

Thinking back on it, it seems strange that so many things went right, but he wouldn't dwell on it. In fact it was time to get ready.

Picking the locks on his wrists Paon grabbed handfuls of hay and placed them in the darkest corner away from the door. He dragged the shackles over to the vaguely human pile of hay, making it look like the shackles were on it. Then he waited.

For three days a young subordinate would bring him a single dish of water at noon. And every time he would drink the water. But he would pretend to be asleep every time they came in so that they wouldn't get suspicious.

Then on the fourth day he pried open the window pane and slipped out onto the warming cement.

On the sixth day the subordinate nearly had a heart attack, the water from the previous day was still there, and the man wasn't even making breathing motions. She emitted a small yelp and ran to tell the nearest person she could, which just so happened to be Hawk Moth. 

"Hawk Moth sir! I-I think the prisoner is dead!" 

"Show me."

The girl leads him to the cell and Hawk Moth throws the doors open. He walked in and found nothing but straw and shackles. The girl had already left by now, afraid of his anger.

Hawk Moth yelled in fury, and pulled the shackles right out of the ground where they had been cemented to.

In his fury he didn't even notice the small open window.



Three chapters in one day!

This is a personal record!

I think Hawk Moth is losing it don't you? *Evil laugh*

See y'all next time!

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