Lady Wifi Becomes Bumble Bee?

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This is going to be FUN!




Alya growled as she did the remainder of her math homework. How could anyone expect her to do homework when her best friend was missing and the only lead they had captured had escaped because Hawk Moth was too paranoid to station guards!

With an angry shove Alya pushed away from her desk and stalked towards her window. It had been a month since Hawk Moth had last contacted any of them, and it was starting to annoy all of them.

Chloe on the other hand seemed to be getting informed on everything, that was what was really making Alya want to punch Hawk Moth in the face.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the door to her room open. "Alya, you coming?" A voice from behind her asked. Alya jumped, not expecting a voice.

"Alix, what's going on?" 

"Well Felix, Bridgette and I are going on a camping trip, for the weekend and we thought you might like to come with us."

"I don't know I'd have to ask my mom, and-"

"We've already asked and she said if you wanted to go you could."

Alya thought about it for a minute. On one hand she had been really stressed lately and a camping trip sounded great. On the other Hawk Moth might need her for something.

'So? If he needs you, he can wait. See how he likes being ignored.' A small voice in Alya's head spoke. Alya smiled and nodded to Alix, "I'd love to! Just let me get packed."

"We'll be down stairs."

Alya rushed to her closet and grabbed all of the necessary things she'd need for a camping trip and shoved them into her back pack, internally singing with joy that it was a long weekend.

Five days in the wilderness! It couldn't get much better.

Ten minutes later Alya was shouting good-bye to her family and walking out the door. As Felix was driving to the camp site the three girls in the car made small talk.

"So you excited?"

"Yeah! I haven't been camping in so long!"

Bridgette chuckled, "Me either. I don't think I can remember the last time I went camping."

"Yes, well you'll have to wait a few more hours ladies. We haven't even left the city yet."

"Whatever you say Felix!"

Felix rolled his eyes, but secretly smiled at Bridgette. Even though he knew neither one would see.

After three hours of driving, they had finally gotten to their campsite and set everything up.

While Felix was collecting fire wood Alya asked Bridgette a question that had been in the back of her mind for a while.

"So, how did you and Felix get together?"

"Hoping to use my tricks to catch your own guy?"

"Wha-? NO! I'm just curious because you two are like complete opposites."

"Calm down I'm only joking!" Bridgette smiled at the blush on Alya's cheeks, obviously she had a guy she liked.

Then her memories drew her away.

"Felix and I became friends through Marinette. Since she can be clumsy and kind of absentminded, Felix and I took turns making sure she didn't accidentally hurt herself. When we both moved away from her we were both really worried about her. Then we started talking to kind of keep each other sane. Eventually we started dating."

Bridgette looked up from where she had been looking to see Alya with a shocked expression on her face.


"You started dating because you were worried about Marinette?!"

"Yes we did."

Both girls jumped, not having heard or expected Felix back so soon. He sat the fire wood down and stared at Alya.

"Bridgette and I only want Marinette safe and happy."

At that Alya grew angry. How dare they say they wanted her safe and happy when they hadn't even tried to help them look for her!

"How can you say that when you won't even help look for her!?"

"Tom and Sabine haven't issued a missing persons report. The only reason you have to believe she is missing is she hasn't answered your calls or texts and hasn't been to school."

"She's in trouble! Don't give me the whole out of town or sick routine! If she was that sick they would've checked her into a hospital! If she was out of town she would've bought a new charger and called!"

"Even if something has happened to her, recklessly searching won't do you any good."

Bridgette was getting nervous, the set of Felix's jaw proved that Alya was getting on his nerves.

"How would you know!?"

Felix leveled a glare at Alya that, for the first time since the argument began, made her falter.

"I have known Marinette for most of my life. She may be clumsy but she is extremely resourceful. If something has happened to her then she will think of a way out of it. I. Trust. Her. And I suggest you do as well, instead of believing any random stranger that tells you she's in trouble."

Alya reeled back as if she had been shot.

Completely ignoring her stricken look Felix turned to Bridgette. "If you're done gaping at me, can we stop this now?"

That woke Alya up. "What do you mean 'stop this now'?"

Bridgette sighed and stood up. She started walking, as she grew smaller Alya heard her say, "If you want to know where Marinette is follow me."

Alya started to follow but Felix held her back. Alya tried to jerk her way away from him, but he was stronger. "What?" she finally asked exasperated. 

"You're glasses have a listening device on them."

"What!? No they don't!"

Without answering Felix grabbed her glasses, ignoring her protests, and snapped a small bug off of the hinge of one side. He showed it to Alya before crushing it in his fingers. Then he began to follow the small figure that was Bridgette.

"Not only was it a listening device it was also a tracker. Now come on."

Stunned Alya followed.

After thirty minutes of brisk walking Alya was out of breath, and trying to convince the others to slow down.

Bridgette almost took pity on her, "Alya we're almost there! Five more minutes."

Alya glared at the blue haired girl, "You've said that before."

Before they could begin arguing Felix and Bridgette stopped. They let Alya rest for a few minutes before pushing through a small group of bushes and low hanging branches that obscured the view in front of them.

Behind the bushes stood Alix and Marinette, both preparing to spar.


I will end this chapter here.

Hope you enjoyed!

Review who you think should be unbrainwashed (Is that even a word? Oh well) next.

Kim or Nino?

See ya next time!

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