A New Choice

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The next chapter is upon us!

Just kidding!

It's a normal update.

I own absolutely nothing.



As the three versions fought, not a single one of them could tell who was who. It was just a big pile of nails, kicks, punches, and biting.

But when Alya accidentally punched Lady Wifi in the face everything slowed down. It was as if time had stopped.

Alya began to glow, first in the fist that had punched Lady Wifi, then spread through the rest of her body. It grew brighter and brighter until the light was blinding.

While Alya was wrapped in the light, Lady Wifi began to fade. Instead of freaking out, she smirked at her yellow and black counterpart.

"Looks like we know who she chose." were the last words Wifi spoke before fading completely and being absorbed into the light.

After Lady Wifi was absorbed the bright white light turned dark, somehow managing to be black but blinding at the same time.

Bumble Bee simply nods, before she too began to fade.

"Sometimes even the right choice is the unexpected one." Bumble Bee whispered before fading completely.

Finally, the light grows dimmer, leaving Alya alone.

When Alya opens her eyes and looks down, she finds she isn't in the same clothes. Instead, she's wearing a long, flowing ball gown that starts out as yellow at the chest but as it moves outward it shades into a dark purple, before becoming black at the edges. Her shoes are black with purple wifi symbols on the toe.  She reaches up and finds that her hair is in a loose bun, but there's no bee comb holding it in place.

She looks around and finally notices that she's all alone. Suddenly fear grips her and she calls out, "Hello? Bumble Bee? Lady Wifi? Where are you guys?"

Her voice echoes around the room, making it sound like multiple people are in the room at once.

While she's looking around she notices a third mirror but unlike the first two, it isn't singled out. Nor does it look that special, but Alya gladly rushes towards it, hoping that it will give some kind of explanation.

Instead, the moment she steps in front of it she has more questions than answers.

For standing in the mirror are both former mirror versions of herself. They stand side by side, with Lady Wifi having an arm across Bumble Bee's shoulders.

Unlike the first time, neither image follows her movements, Lady Wifi is even smirking.

"About time you decided!" Wifi said while holding in a laugh.

"I don't understand?"

"Alya, you've been given an amazing opportunity. And we are part of it. You had to choose between Lady Wifi and myself. Which one of us you would be like when you wake up."

Alya started, "Wait. You mean this is all a dream!?"

"Of course it is. How else could you explain this?"

Alya ignored Lady Wifi's insult. "So the fight between you two was basically me trying to figure out who I was most like?"

Both girls nodded.

"And that bright light meant I had decided."

More nods.

"Then why don't I know what I decided?!"

Suddenly the two images began to mix into one. "When you joined the fight, you fought against both of us. Landing an equal number of hits on either one. You didn't want to be forced onto one side, so you chose both." When they finished speaking, Alya was no longer looking at two different versions of herself.

She was looking at her reflection. "Most people choose one role or the other. Especially those where either choice could have dire consequences. But you made a new choice, one that few are willing to venture down because they don't know what it will hold." The reflection smiled, and for the first time since meeting the two versions of herself, Alya saw the similarities between herself and them. "But now I think it's time you woke up. You've been scaring your friends."


Hope you guys enjoyed this.

Also if you couldn't tell from the beginning of the last chapter, this was all a dream!

See you guys next time!

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