What The Heck!?

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So  I'm back again!

You can't get rid of me that easily! Muhahahahahahahahaha!!!




Before Alya could rush to her best friend Alix charged.

She raised a small dagger and attempted to stab Marinette in the stomach only to have Marinette use her momentum against her and grab the dagger out of her hand, twist her arm behind her back and pin her to the ground.

"Give up?"


"You're beaten."

Instead of answering, Alix kicked Marinette in the stomach and hopped back onto her feet. "I'm beaten?" Alix asked sassily while raising her eyebrow, Marinette rolled her eyes and rushed the smaller girl. Alix managed to evade and land a few punches to Marinette's arms. Marinette was pushed into the defensive. It looked like Alix would win the fight, when suddenly Marinette got a look in her eye and began to attack.

 After ten seconds Marinette had Alix on her knees with her arms trapped behind her back, with absolutely no way of escaping. 

"Yes. You're beaten."

Alix nods mutely and Marinette lets her up, only to be tackled into a hug by Alya. "Girl! Where the heck have you been!? Do you know how worried we've all been!" Suddenly Alya's death grip hug turned angry, "They were hiding you from us! He was right!"

Marinette managed to escape from the death grip that was Alya's hug, and took a few breaths before turning to grasp the happy yet angry girl by the shoulders,

"Alya, calm down. What on earth are you talking about? I haven't been hidden from anyone."

"Yes you were! I don't know what that fight with Alix did to jog your memory but it worked! Now all we have to do is find those stupid thieves and then our lives can go back to normal!"

Marinette's face grew serious, "I'm so sorry for this." Then before Alya could question it, Felix stood behind Alya and hit her over the head. Hard.


It's short, I know. But school has started up again, and I have kind of hit a wall here.

Also: Cliffhanger!!

So most of you have said that Kim should be the next one to be unbrainwashed (still not sure if it's a word) so that's the plan!

See you guys next time!

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