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"Jesus fucking Christ, Svetlana! The fuck did I tell you about locking the door. If any of my shit's missing, I'll fucking kill you myself. I swear!" I yell as I enter the door of my shabby old house. Other than the presence of Svet and the baby, it feels empty. The walls were so much brighter with Ian's charisma and it was so much happier with Mandy's smile. I even miss Kenyata's occasional bickering. Well, that's a lie, but that's not the point.

"Glad to have you back. Baby and I didn't miss your yelling at all." She says, her accent still strong and her English not improving.

"Ya know, the fucker has a name. A fucking stupid name. Like who the fuck names a baby Yevgeny? This is America. Paul would've been just as good." I complain. She rolls her eyes and sighs, obviously not very fond of my company.

"You see RedHead? Ooh, and new boyfriend. Yummy." She mocks me as I turn around and grip her shoulders tightly.

"Look, this is my fucking house and I pay for it. You've paid for it for a year, but now it's mine again. So as long as you are living under this fucking roof, we don't talk about Ian! And we don't talk about his fucking husband, alright?" I project my voice in a startling manner as Svetlana glares at me in response. I let go of my grip on her as she rolls her eyes, and I can hear the baby- fucking Paul- start to cry in the background.

"I just got baby to sleep. Yelling wake up baby." She wines as she walks over to attend to the kid's needs.

"His fuckin' name's Paul!" I reply, frustration lining my voice. I rub a hand on my stressed head and sigh. "Fucking Russian whore," I mumble under my breath as I grab a beer and leave the house.

I walk in the cold, musty air, ranting under my breath about Ian and Svetlana and my shitty life in general. I pass the L, the Alibi, and the Gallagher house, finally arriving to the dugout.

I walk up to first base and stomp on it. "I fucking pissed on you!" I yell. I look around at the dark sky and the abandoned field before asking myself, why the fuck am I yelling at a piece of rubber? I guess when you're heartbroken, the only thing that you can think of doing is scream at inanimate objects. I mean, they can't break their promises, right?

I walk behind the fence and do a few pull-ups on the bar hanging their. I hop back off, my height playing a big roll on how far the drop is for me, and I lose my balance and fall. I grunt as my head hits the dirt with force and I helplessly lie there for a second, contemplating on what my next move should be. Instead of getting up, I keep on the dirty ground and watch the darkness of the night sky begin to surround me.

I hear footsteps and ignore it at first, but they get closer and closer. I think nothing of it until I hear the pop of a beer can, and not just a top opening, but an actual piercing in the can, followed by someone saying "shotgun".


I see a pale boy approach me and I quickly jolt up as he looks at me and stares. "Mickey." He says quietly as I blink a few times, my eyes scanning everywhere around me except for Ian's face as I'm lost in my panicked thoughts.

"I was just leaving." I say, shoving past him to leave. As I slowly walk away from him, my heart starts beating really fast. How did he know I'd be here? Did he even know? Why isn't he with Caleb? Did he follow me here? Stop asking so many fucking questions. I feel his cold hand grasp my wrist, and I stop dead in my tracks.

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