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I slowly crawl out of bed, making sure not to wake up Ian, as my phone rings in my pocket. I hold it up and rub my foggy eyes as I see Mandy on the caller ID. I answer it, croaking out a groggy "hello?"

"Hey, you up?" Mandy asks.

"No. I'm fucking dead. I'm obviously up, Mandy." I grumble tiredly. Shit, I need coffee.

"Mental note, Mickey wakes up in a bad mood." She mutters sarcastically as I sigh and incoherent apology.

"You fuck Lip last night?" I ask, and I hear him kiss her with a gross smooching noise. "Jesus, keep that shit outta here, will ya?"

"Says the guy who almost fucked his boyfriend at the table last night." She scoffs as I groan in response. I got a terrible sleep, having a fucking nightmare about a gorilla with Terry's face chasing me in a rainforest.

"Hey, ask Lip somethin' for me. He's smart, right?" I ask as Mandy hands Lip the phone and he waits for me to continue. "I had a dream where Terry was a gorilla and he was chasing me. Does that mean something? Is there some shit I'm missing?"

"Well, usually a dream where you're being chased means you're avoiding a certain person or problem. You got something you wanna get off your chest?" Lip says as I stare at a wall, perplexed by who I could be avoiding.

"I mean, the whole Terry shit, maybe? I don't know, man. I haven't really talked about him since that whole thing." I admit as Lip calls Mandy over and says something about my father.

"Oh, yeah. Not to add any stress but there's Terry's trail on Thursday. We're all gonna be there." She reminds me as I grouch in annoyance.

"Jesus, they just want me to kill the fucker." I mutter, and I can sense Mandy roll her eyes dramatically.

"Just don't fuck it up, Mick. And dress nice. Take a shower before you go, too. Also make sure to scrub your hair extra good."

"What's wrong with how I scrub it now?"

"You've got bad dandruff, Mickey. Like really bad dandruff."

"It's not that bad. You can barely see it."

"It looks like you were rolling your head around in the fucking snow."

"Fuck you. No it doesn't."

"Yeah. Yeah it does."

"You called me to tell me about my dandruff?" I hiss as Mandy groans.

"No. I called you to tell you that you, me, Lip and Ian are all going out to dinner tomorrow night on a double date." She tells me as I laugh unbelievably.

"Rephrase that: you think we're all going out on a double date tomorrow." I say sarcastically. There's that fucking eye roll again. I know when that bitch pulls that shit.

"Rephrase that: you are going on a double date with us tomorrow. I'm not asking, I'm telling." She demands snakily.

"I don't do dates, Mandy. You know that." I spit at her.

"Well you do them now. See you tomorrow at seven." She says, and before she hangs up she reminds me, "and don't forget to scrub your fucking head."

I grumble, exhaustedly rubbing the bridge of my nose in frustration. "It's too early for this shit," I mutter, but when I look over at the clock I notice the time: 1:21. I have work in two hours and I'm more focused on my double date than I am about making sure I get to my job on time.

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