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"Hold the fuck up." Mickey says as I start to make my way up the staircase. I jump a little, due to the startling presence of Mickey not actually having left the house, and turn around to face him. I stare at him attentively, waiting for him to carry on his train of thought.

"Get tested..." He starts trailing off, his voice a murmur as he starts speaking to himself in an undertone. "Fiona said that you should get tested. What- why would you need to do that?"

"Jesus fuck, Mickey. You eavesdropped on our conversation? There are reasons why I leave the room and tell you to stay where you are." I hush frustratedly. I run my hand through my hair and sigh loudly.

"You know that I'm nosey as shit, Ian. This shouldn't come as a huge fuckin' shocker to you." Mickey replies as I nod my head in agreement.

"You still shouldn't have been listening to my shit, Mick. You being an intrusive fucker isn't an excuse." I reply, shooting him a suggestive glance as to be saying You Should Know Better. He rolls his eyes and grunts in response.

"We're like a fucking married couple. Arguing over stupid shit that we already knew was going to happen." He says as I chuckle softly, uttering a "yeah" under my breath.

"But seriously, Ian. What the fuck's going on. What's with the whole 'need to be tested' shit?" Mickey asked, his voice sounding extremely concerned. It makes my lips tug up a little, knowing that even though I've fucked him over he still actually cares. He's not gone. And he's not leaving. At least not yet.

"Um... Well-" I cut myself off abruptly. Should I tell him? I don't want Caleb getting hurt, but I hate lying to Mickey. I mean, he wouldn't be prying into this if he wasn't the least bit worried, and that's a big thing to say about a Milkovich.

I never really thought I'd ever live to see the day where Mickey actually told me that he loved me, but I did. And then he kissed me in public. And then he came out. And then he worried about me. When I first met him he was a rude asshole who only wanted me to fuck, and if I even dared to show affection towards him he'd snap my neck. He's so different from the Mickey he was seven years ago- but in a good way. In a way that no one would've ever imagined. We all expected him to be a raging, alcoholic asshole like his piece of shit, homophobic father. That was the path that Mickey was headed down and we were all waiting for the day where he murdered me for saying something too 'gay'. But I realized early on that he was different from Terry.


The day that my mom came back I was torn up. I wasn't really sure how to react so I ran to his house. I was feeling so numb inside and then I reached his doorstep and my face was red and I was trying my hardest not to cry when Mickey answered the door, a rough "the fuck you want" following. I had a million different thoughts going through my mind and all I was able to do insinuate a "I need to see you." I was sure he was going to slam the door in my face, but he didn't. He just looked at me, trying to seem aggressive but failing. He asked me about work and I told him about Linda having my ass and he said he'd meet me there in twenty.

I arrived and ignored Linda's bickering and made my way to the back as she left and Kash wasn't speaking to me at the time, with the whole Linda pregnancy stress and her knowing his secret and all that. I waited in the freezing cold room where I had complete privacy and it was quiet with the ongoing buzz of the freezers. I heard the door open, the little bell ring, as Mickey passed the counter and made his way towards the back. "You can't go back there." Kash said shakily, his voice nervous due to the fact the he was utterly terrified of the Milkovich family and had no clue how Mickey would react. "I'm not here for you so fuck off." Mickey replied, opening the door and locking himself into the back with me.

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