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"I did it all for you. I've always done it for you. Everything I've done is for you. Nobody else but you. I'd do anything for you. I've done everything I can." I mumble as I walk down the snow-covered sidewalk. I feel myself slowly losing my mind as I start to imitate the birds; screeching in the air like a lunatic. There's no one around so I lean against a fence for a second, immediately taking off as I realize that I'm in front of the Gallagher house.

"Mick." Fiona calls after me when I start to take off down the road. I turn around and wait for her to catch up as she greets me with a nice hug and a comforting smile that makes the cold air suddenly seem warm and bearable. "How you been feeling?" She asks solicitously.

I just stare down at floor for a minute, really considering her question. I stare at the icy ground, the snow obviously at its deepest point this month due to my shoes being sunken in and my ankles freezing as snow is plastered to their sides.

"I uh-" I pause and stare right into Fiona's wide brown eyes that extend for miles. "I feel blue Fiona. Like, depressed. Everything just looks like a dark shade of blue; everything is so sad. I can look at a fuckin' chair and it reminds me of him, ya know? I feel fuckin' blue!" I yell loudly as I hear someone down the street tell me to shut up. Fi looks at me puts her arm around my shoulder, which I leave for a second before awkwardly dodging a hug. I don't wanna be a fuckin' sympathy vote.

"I gotta get to work. Shit to steal, money to grab." I say as I walk away, speeding up my pace so I know that no one else from the Gallagher house is going to come surprise me. I look out towards the street until I see some guy wearing what looks like fifty fucking jackets, which I don't blame him in this weather. I squint to get a closer look and see the guy holding a pack of Coors Light. Maybe I could jump him and take his beer.

He takes a large chug of the beer and chucks the can off onto the side of the road. He swears something under his breath- "stupid cunt" or something like that- and starts complaining about women. The only person I know who drinks Coors Light and goes on sexist rants and has a huge broken nose is- Shit!

I immediately turn around, throwing on my hood and keeping my head down. I walk so fast that I might as well be running and my heart is beating right out of my chest. I walk and walk and walk down the deserted, early morning streets until I reach the stairs of my old house.

I open the door and yell Mandy's name as she comes stomping down the stairs. "What shithead? I was just about to take a fucking shower so make it fast." She rushes me, turning around only to face me and my distressed look. She instantly realizes that something is wrong as she places a concerned hand on my bicep. "What's wrong, Mickey?"

"It's Terry. He's back. He's here. He's gonna kill me." I say, talking shaky breaths in between words.

"Hey, he's not gonna do shit, alright? You need to man the fuck up and stop with this pussy shit. Just fucking hit him, Mick. What happened to the old Mickey who would've smashed a fucking brick over his drunk father's head? Where'd he go."

"I'm not really sure. But if I hit him he's gonna come after me later."

"Stop being a fucking bitch and-" I hear the stairs outside creak as Terry slurs his words and calls out for Mandy, then Iggy. But no mention of his gay disappointment of a son. He appears in the doorway and he curses something under his breath before throwing a beer bottle at me. It shatters and pierces my back as I screech in agony, Mandy gasping as the glass ricochets off of the floor and stabs my hand. I try to run and slip on the busted glass, and I groan as it pierces my skin more than it already has.

"Shit!" I cry. Getting up is a struggle, but I do it. I run up the stairs as my father chases after me, stumbling over into the wall a few times. I run up into my room and hop out the window as he follows. Terry's fucking fast for a drunk man. I run down the road, my dad right on my ass, and I try to make a break for it by running up to the Gallagher house. I hear shouting from inside- which quickly cuts off- as I tear the door open and run in, my shoe falling off.

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