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"Fucking Christ, can I have a fucking break ever?" I ask myself rhetorically as I answer my phone. "What?" I growl at Iggy, who's breathing heavier than a marathon runner.

"Mick." Iggy wails, and I feel my pulse rise in anticipation. I haven't heard Iggy this nervous in a long time, and I'm not used to it, nor am I used to Collin's vulnerable yelling in the background.

"Spit it out already, fuck you waitin' for?" I demand anxiously.

"I think Collin might've killed Terry. Well, Terry isn't dead but he's close to it." Iggy breathes deeply into the phone.

"That's it? I thought the whole point of our meet up was to kill Terry? You called me for that?" I scoff in disbelief. Terry's death is not a big fuckin' deal so I'm not sure why he's making it one.

"There's more than that." Iggy informs me as panic sets in and I wait with anxiety to know what's happening. I can hear sirens, people calling out names and numbers, cars pulling up, and screaming- lots of screaming- in the background.

"What the fuck's goin' on, Iggy?" I ask, my voice cracking from terror.

"You need to come here and see. We're by Kash 'N Grab. Trust me, you won't be able to miss us. And- Collin!" I hear Iggy call out as Collin hisses cuss words distantly. "Just get here now." Iggy demands as he hangs up the phone.

I don't have a second thought as I slip on my shoes and run upstairs to grab Mandy, telling her that I'll explain on the way there. She tries to resist, but to no avail as I drag her into the car. I hit the gas as forceful as I can and I call Svet. "Svetlana." I say urgently.

"Yes, white boy."

"I need you to go home and take care of Carl. I mean fucking Yev, my bad." I misstep as I make a U turn and Mandy hangs onto the seat for dear life.

"It's your day to take care of baby." She tells me as I grip the phone header in frustration, my knuckles turning white.

"Svetlana, listen to me. Go home and take care of the fucking baby. I have shit to do and it doesn't concern your fuckin' Vagina Alien." I reply sternly, hanging up the phone and flooring it.

"What's going on, Mickey." Mandy asks nervously and I can see the fear in her eyes as her voice shakes in confusion.

"I'm not sure. I think Collin got hurt, Terry might be dead, there's cop cars and ambulances. Iggy wasn't very helpful in the explanation category." I tell her as I see her face fill with even more worry, if that's even possible.

"Shit." She says, followed by a series of other curse words after I slam the breaks and pull up at an alleyway full of officers and medical examiners and too many police cars to count. I sigh in relief as I see Iggy, but my heart balls up tightly in my chest as I notice the blood covering his body. Mandy and I rush over to him, and he smiles weakly.

"Fuck, Iggy. You alright? Where's Collin?" I ask attentively.

"I'm fine, and Collin's over there." Iggy says, pointing to Collin leaning against the hood of a cop car looking behind him and mumbling to himself softly. His hands are cuffed behind his back and he is also soaked in blood. It's on his hands, shirt, face, and almost every other part of his body. The sight makes me shudder, but I'm relived to know that he's not dying- or dead.

I see Terry sitting in an ambulance, leg bandaged up and head as well, barely conscious.

"So if everyone is okay then why am I here?" I ask, and I immediately regret asking that dreadful question.

Iggy's face turns a greenish pale color and he stares ahead of him at the blood and the people blocking a scene. He looks into my eyes and his voice wearily and- in a way that I've never heard before- rasps out the one thing that hasn't crossed my mind.


I don't look back once as I sprint to the crime scene ahead, pushing and shoving to get through the crowd of people. "Ian!" I yell out shakily. I gasp in shock at the blood spilling out at my shoes, about six feet away from the lifeless bodies ahead. That's a lot of fucking blood. I try to continue forward and duck underneath the caution tape as a hand appears in front of me. I don't have time for this shit.

"Can I go through?" I ask as the guard scans me up and down.

"Who are you in relations to Ian Gallagher?" He asks. My body goes limp with shock and I feel like throwing up as I hear the name in my mind.

"That's. That's Ian? No way. No fucking way." I shake my head in denial and I feel a hand sooth my shoulder as Fiona's voice surrounds me.

"Tony, would ya just let him through." Fi asks as Tony gives her a skeptical glance but lifts up the tape. I stay stuck for a minute, unable to move from the state of shock I'm in. It can't be Ian. Why would he go out into the streets after I told him not to? He knows better than that. It's not Ian. And who are the other men? Probably Terry's.

I walk up to the body and I collapse to my knees as I see the red headed boy lifelessly  lying next to me. He's on the concrete, blood pouring out of his wounds, which I can see is a stab and two bullet holes. Blood is everywhere, but that's not concerning me as much as how the man I love is practically dead.

I wrap my arms around his chest, then I hold his face and put my fingers on his neck. There's a faint pulse. I close my eyes, grateful that he's still alive as I pound on his chest. "Ian." I whisper to him as my bloody hands caress his face and neck. "Ian please wake up. Fucking wake up. Don't fucking die on me, Ian." I plead as tears stream down my face. I begin to pump harder and harder and I attempt to close up a bullet wound with my finger, earning a sheepish wail from Ian, barely conscious. The tears are uncontrollable and I don't care about people seeing me cry. People aren't important; Ian is. "Ian." I squawk out once more, voice shaky and hoarse. I place my bloody hands over my face and let out a painful sob, and I shriek implying the ache in my chest and the fire in my body, full of sadness and aggression. "Ian!" I scream at him, getting only a shudder in response. "Fucking wake up!" I yell in devastation. All I can do now is be mad, I see no other option then to let my anger burst.

"Mickey, we're going to need to take Ian to the hospital now. Meanwhile, do you mind if we ask questions?" Tony approaches me, and I nod my head in approval for him to continue. "Alright. Well Ian was shot with a Standard G22 Glock and we need to know if-"

"Terry." I growl, interrupting him. I already knew Terry had something to do with this, but I didn't know he shot Ian. I know that's his gun, I just used it yesterday. "Fucking Terry!" I scream as I approach my father who looks at me fiercely. "You fucking killed him, you sick fuck!" I scream as I punch him in the jaw, then grabbing the collar of his shirt and repeatedly slamming him onto the floor with all of my energy. He hits me back and knocks my chest as I heave inward, but that doesn't stop me. I kick him as I cry out, and the officer's strength isn't enough to pull me off as I continue to bash Terry's skull into the pavement as blood hits the concrete. Finally, Lip pulls me off and I can't help but cry into his shoulder. "He killed him." I mutter as I rub my eyes and try to wipe away the tears, but they keep coming like the ocean tides.

"Mickey Milkovich, you're under arrest for destructive behavior and excessive violence in a non-defensive action. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have right to a lawyer and-" at this point I had stopped listening. Every officer and bystander who knows me can see the impact of this event for me as I don't put up my usual struggle, but instead get into the car without hesitation. I sit in the backseat, my thoughts blank with only the image of Ian's bleeding body and Terry's satisfied fucking face burned into my vision. I feel completely dead.

I'm completely and utterly numb.

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