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Hey! It's been quite a while, huh? You may be wondering did Richi forget about this story? Well, I'm here to tell you that the answer to that doesn't matter because I'm here now. Also yes, yes I did forget about the sequel. That being said, I remember it and I will try to complete it as soon as I can! I'm older now and depressed as вблядь, but we be out here listening to some Minecraft music and straight vibin', so maybe everything will be okay. Your support on a story I wrote such a long time ago is tremendous, and some of your comments are hilarious. There's a good few of you that need comedy specials, man. Here's some things I'd like to put into one place so that I don't have to keep saying them:

• I wrote Blue when I was 14-ish. Scary time.

• Regarding the part where Mickey drinks a fatal amount of alcohol, I was 14, so I didn't know anything about drinking.

• Yes, Ian is kind of the worst? It's almost like I predicted how his bitch ass was going to act in seasons 6-10! I was going through a Fuck Ian Gallagher phase when I wrote this due to the break up and seeing my baby boy Mickey get torn up over it. Still a little salty, if I'm being honest.

• The plot is chaotic. A whole mess. But, if I've learned anything from the stories that go trending on this app, it's that y'all absolutely EAT UP chaos. I could have Mickey chop off his dick, put it in a blender, feed it to Ian, Ian gets cancer from it, Mickey kidnaps someone and cuts off their dick and gets it attached to himself, interrogation room with Mickey and Tony (remember him?), Ian gets in a car crash on the way to Mickey's hospital room, Mickey leaves the hospital an hour after surgery (miraculously) in search of Ian, Terry kidnaps both of them and also happens to be in a Milkovich-family gang, Ian gets shot 16 times in the heart, he survives because Mickey cries a magic Ukrainian tear, Kash is there for some reason and Mickey kills him for being a pedophile, Mandy also is there and is pregnant with Lip's kid, then Mickey kills Terry and has sex with Ian right there in the wear-house they got taken to, Lip and Mandy get engaged while Mickey is pounded against the cement floor by Ian, Ian fucks Mickey so hard he vomits up blood and kills the fuckin' vibe, he gets taken to the hospital, Ian is diagnosed with cancer, didn't he already have cancer? idk plot hole, Mickey sucks his dick so good that when Ian comes he nuts out the tumors, The End, and the motherfuckers on this app would devour it and demand I write a sequel. Gallavich shippers would eat it right the fuck up and don't you forget it.

• Oh yeah, I'm like the female irl Richie Tozier, what about it? My name is even Richi. Wild. If y'all like IT, I have a message: BILL HADER IS MINE. BACK OFF. JUST. I-

• 🥺

• Yes, I'm Russian and of Russian descent. I speak the language. For the parts where Svet speaks Russian in this story, I had no idea whether or not to put the syllables like how someone who speaks English would sound it out or to put the Russian spellings and expect you to Google Translate it for some reason.

• I didn't know any Spanish when I was 14 (I barely know any now) so I have no idea if the Spanish I put in here was correct.

• Okay but for real, the plot is so messy. I am so sorry. I'll make the sequel easier to keep up with.

• The PTSD both Ian and Mick experience in this are relative to my PTSD episodes. I've had a few people say the episodes they [Mick and Ian] have seem romanticized and I'd like to address that and say that that was never my objective. I was going off of personal experience. That being said, my PTSD got more intense the older I got, so my episodes look different and more severe now when I'm unmedicated. Other people have told me that they enjoy reading the way I wrote it, and to that I say that I think it's hard to display any mental illness correctly, but especially PTSD, unless you have it.

• Okay, so Mickey is a bit of a bottom baby bitch in this fic. Mhm. What about it? I was 14 and Mickey told Ian he loved him during the episode that inspired me to start this. He was v soft. Still is. (I'm worried about you. I love you.) 🥺

• With the above being said, MICKEY IS BABY.

• And on that previous note, Ian is so nice in this story, okay? I know he does some dumb shit and says some even dumber bitch shit in here (I WAS ACTIVE DURING THE 'MY MOM DIED IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND I'M SOLD BY MY ABUSIVE STEPDAD TO 1D' PHASE!!!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT FROM AN 8TH GRADER?), but you gotta admit that this Ian is a whole lot nicer to Mickey than canon S6-10 Ian is. Kinda not the biggest Ian fan at the moment.

• My writing has increased drastically and much for the better, but to the haters: give me a bit of credit. It's impressive that I not only had the devotion, but a pretty good sense of writing style, ability to punctuate, mostly proper grammar and somewhat accurate spelling when I created this in middle school.

• Yes, I write and draw to Minecraft music. Dry Hands by C418 is my go-to song.

• Yes, for those of you who talk to me, I am creating a web comic thing. More later on that.

• Yep, I'm alive. Barely, but I'm here and kickin'. I deleted this app when I was h**h on da m*******a, and then my best friend found this story and reminded me of it. You can thank her.

• I am not done with this series. I WILL finish the sequel, even if it is the death of me. If my crazy Marine father taught me anything, it's to never leave a job unfinished.

Thank you for all the support! There's, like, 16k reads on this bad boy! Crazy! Let's hope Shameless doesn't fuck our baby boy (Mickey, if there's any confusion, which there definitely should not be) over again. Mark my words: I will finish Berry soon. It will happen. I just be mad busy. But again, thank you for all the support. Hope this explains some of the weird shit going on in this story.

With that being said, thank you for reading. I wuv y'all.

Remember: Dallas Winston deserved better.

Rich, signing off.

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