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What the fuck?

My alarm blares in my ears as I scramble frantically to grab my phone. I throw my arm over the edge of my bed, only to realize that my nightstand isn't there. Confused, I open my eyes, groggily rubbing them, and take a look around the room. I forgot that I slept on the couch.

I'm butt naked, and so is Ian, sprawled out on the floor. Ian's alarm also begins to blare, which is really confusing. Why are our alarms set?

Ian sits up, the fucking weirdo wide away only seconds after parting from his deep sleep. I will never understand how he is in a good mood in the morning. Well, unless he's having a low. Then every minute is equivalent to sleep for him. Fortunately, he hasn't been a stubborn fucker and has begun to cooperate when it comes to taking his medication. Still, there are days when we're too busy having wild sex or getting into numerous fights where Ian loses track of time, forgetting to take his pills, and it results in him weakly refusing to leave the bed as he lies there in a woozy condition. I've learned to cope with his bipolar and the fluctuating mood swings accompanied by it, but that doesn't excuse the fact that when Ian mopes in the comfort of the sheets I panic.

"Ian?" I call as he perks his head up at me, a bad case of bed head contaminating his scruffy, red hair. He rubs his eyes with balled fists, a groggy yawn escaping his cracked lips. He moistens them with a quick slide of his cushioned tongue, the dryness soon dissipating.

"Yeah, Mick?" He responds, standing up and throwing a towel over his shoulder.

"Why are we up?" I ask, my voice awkwardly cracking as I clear my throat.

"Court." He simply states, no further explanation needed as represented by my growl of resistance. "Get ready." He orders, throwing me the second towel and ushering me up the stairs.

After a long fuck in the shower, Ian insisting that there's no time for me to do my hair ("Mickey, I already told you that if you wanted to try a new style then we shouldn't have had shower sex." "So you're saying you didn't enjoy it?" "Mick, you know I didn't say that." "Then why are you complaining?" "Because we're gonna be late!" "Whoops.") and me chasing him around the house with a shirt as I swat his bare ass repeatedly, we finally make our way into the car that we borrowed from Kev.

Most of the ride consists of Ian whining about being hungry or me nearly crashing into a fire hydrant. Finally, continuing the discussion from earlier, I say, "If you don't like shower sex-"

"Mick." Ian scolds as he rudely interrupts me, though I can't help the devilish smile that presses against my lips. "That's not what I meant."

"So, you just didn't want to-"

"No." He groans, my accusations annoying him. "I just didn't want us to be late, that's all."

"Why?" I ask as he turns to look at, a confused expression plastered upon his freckled face. I continue to stare at the road, but I can feel his bewildered face.

"Why? Because we have a court date." He says, as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

I nod, glaring at the freeway ahead as my hands tightly grip the steering wheel in angst, mu knuckles turning white to the bone.

"Why don't you care?" Ian asks, concern in his tone as he straightens himself in the seat.

"Sit gayer." I protest, ignoring his question as a chuckle emerges from him and he slouches back down. His eyes grow cold and the anxious scowl returns as he shifts his body to face me.

"Mickey, why are you so resistant to going? The cops can't arrest you for simply breathing. It's not like they're gonna send you back to jail for being a participating member of society."

"It's not that." I hiss out.

"Then what is it?" Ian asks. I hesitate, not wanting to show Ian my current state of dread. The only reason I'm remotely considering telling him is because I'm pretty sure he's figured out that I'm so apprehensive to the point where I'm about four seconds away from pulling over and throwing up on the roadside.

"Terry." I cry out as I exhale in devastation. "I don't want to fucking see him ever again and now I'm going to be reminded of how I- of how he hurt you. I at least wanted to be viciously slitting his throat if I had to be in any form of contact with him." I growl as Ian rests a reassuring hand on my shoulder, rubbing my back in commiseration.

"Look, all you have to do is sit there while I tell my case, then Terry tells his bullshit, we reach a verdict and it's all over." Ian tells me as I nod, my head slowly rocking up and down. I leave the discussion at that, simply not wanting to start an argument or some sharing circle.

But I know that with Terry, it's never over.


AN// Sorry for the short chapter but the next one was too long to add onto this so read the next chapt. for the craziness. LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you for sticking with me, I appreciate it so much!!!!!!

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