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You felt two things.... Disgust and most of all

Ciel spent the last few weeks at school and saying that you were dealing with family issues when in reality you were locked away in a room guarded by Sebastian.
Currently you were playing a game of chess with Finnian, (the only person who you would talk to that didn't seem like a murderer)
when Ciel walked in.
"Finnian out," he barked and Finnian walked out, closing the door behind him.
Ciel sat where Finnian should've been and you knew where this was going, or at least you think you did.
Ciel raped was embarrassing thinking of all the things that happened but it disgusts you. What happened to the cute Ciel you knew and loved?
"I brought a surprise," you have him a dull look before turning your head towards the window, the outside
"Love turn towards me," Ciel said softly and you refused. You heard him get up and felt a hand turn your head sharply. You were forced to look at Ciel and he gently kissed you before buying your lip. You felt him suck your blood from your lip as if he was a vampire and he smirked breaking his touch.
"Sebastian bring them in," in a line from left to right Zoey, Rachel, Aiko, Dillian, Yato, Saki and Kaicha.
"Now Y/n these are your friends right," he said holding a knife
"No answer well," he threw the knife and Zoey moved out the way just in time.
"Y/n we're going to mess with your mind," Ciel whispered "now everytime you make a noise your friend dies and if you disobey anything I say they die understood"
"Starting now," he said yanking your hair back to look at him. He stabbed you in the side and you winced.
He turned the knife and you hissed.
"Sebastian kill the red head," in an instant Rachel was on the floor in cold blood
"What was that," Ciel whispered
"Tell me Y/n why do you care so much and yes you can answer this question," he said
"My f-friends *cough cough* keep me sane, they hold me up even when I feel like I'm sinker deeper into the darkness," you whispered
"I didn't give you permission to speak kill the black haired girl with green eyes and the boy with brown hair.
You watched as Zoey and Dillian's heads rolled to your feet. Tears sprung from your face and you knew, that you wanted to leave.
"Zoey Dillian," your voice cracked as you leaned over, your face inches away from the floor.
"Kill two of your choice," I listened to Yato grunt before dying and Aiko's shriek pierced your ears.
"Why are you doing this," you yelled holding your face. Something inside you just snapped, you felt nothing.
"Sebastian kill the girl," you got in the way and felt the butter knife pierce your hand, sadly that hand of yours wasn't thick enough and the knife plunged straight through it and into Saki's heart. She gurgled up blood and smiled a goofy one.
"Saki," you said and she held your face close to hers.
"I-I wanted to g-give this t-to you for your b-birthday *hack* I'm sorry I couldn't celebrate i-it properly," she handed you a box as one tear leaked from her face. Saki was the strongest person you knew emotionally wise. She had a brave soul and was dauntless.
"Saki stay awake please," you said crying "it's not fair"
"See you on the other side," her eyes rolled to the back of her head and I locked gazes with Kaicha. He had the knife in his hand and was cutting the ropes.
"Sebastian end him," Before Sebastian could do anything, Kaicha freed himself and threw the blade at Ciel.
Sebastian was instantly on his way to protect his master. We both bolted out the room and down the stairs.
"Fuck running down the stairs," You and Kaicha slid down the railing and ran.
You were outside the manor and Kaicha was dragging you. He ripped a piece of his sleeve off and wrapped it around your hand before picking you up and dashing.
"Please somebody help," Kaicha yelled and a woman stopped her car.
"Get in," she said and Kaicha put you in the back seat while hopping in.
He tore another piece of cloth off and put it on your side.
"Breathe for me y/n don't go to sleep," he said and you nodded trying your best to keep your eyes open. You were almost to the hospital when you black out.

"She's alive and doing well, when she wakes up you may take your leave," you heard someone say. You groggily sat up and looked around. First to the doctor, then Kaicha, the lady, and the white room.
"How do you feel," Kaicha asked
"How did I end up here Kaicha," you asked scratching your head
"You don't remember what happened at the manor," suddenly realization hit you in the face
"Oh," you looked at your now bandaged hand and lifted your shirt to see a stitched up side.
"I told Amelia about everything that happened," Kaicha said
"Who's Anelia," you asked
"That would be me," the lady said speaking up "I've made an offer to the boy and you, I'm supposed to go back to America and I was wondering if you would like to stay with me"
You motioned for the lady to come over and hugged her.
"Thank you," you whispered hugging her tightly. When you let go you stared into her green eyes.
"alright she's all cleared you can take her away," Kaicha carried you to the ladies rental car and you guys drove to the airport.
The lady turned in the car and got the tickets. We were lucky that their were two tickets or we might have been stuck with Ciel.
We boarded the plane and made our way off to America.

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