Choice A, A new butler appears

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You fought Ciel and he roughly put his hand around your neck, choking you.
Ciel held a menacing smirk as his eyes went back to pink.
"Y/n you will obey me," his tone was stone cold but you had a fire that wasn't going to extinguish so easily.
He was crushing your breathing tubes but you still scratched at his face.
Finally just when your eyes were about to roll to the back of your head he let go. You panted and he smiled devilishly before walking away, you sighed in relief thinking he had left; but no he came back with tools.
"C-Ciel what are those," you asked whimpering
He smiled and came closer with a knife.
"You didn't obey me Y/n so I will torture you till you do," he said stabbing you in the stomach. You've never felt such pain before and let out a scream. You called for Amelia and Kaicha to no prevail.
"Those two died," Ciel simply stated "in a construction zone...they forgot their hard hats"
He laughed maniacally and licked the blood on the knife before stabbing you again.
"C...Ciel why," you said and he smiled
"I want you to know what it felt like for me when I didn't obey someone.... You will obey me," he slid the knife lightly across your stomach as to not cut it that deep.
"S-stop p...please," you begged and he smiled
"That's no way for a servant to treat their master," he kissed you and you felt a sharp pain near your collar bone. He then proceeded to turn you around so your stomach was on the bed. You felt a sharp pain throughout your back, the knife cut through your skin like soft butter and you couldn't stand it. You felt the knife's pressure leave your back and sighed. Although your back still hurt like heck.
After about five minutes of your body aching and stinging you heard Ciel come back.
You didn't dare say anything and listened to his footsteps as they stopped beside you.
"Are you ready to give up," he whispered in your ear, as much as you wanted to say yes your pride would not allow it.
"Wrong answer," before you could even blink and process his words the worst pain shot through the mid left side of your back. It felt like someone had stabbed that spot, lathered it up in gas and set it ablaze.
Ciel had just branded you, as if you were livestock.
"You're just as bad as Alois is to you," you yelled trying to sit up. Ciel say you up and stared at you with emotionless eyes.
"You're a monster"
At first you thought he would frown but instead you received a sharp slap and he laughed like a madman.
"You think you have the right to call me a monster, you're just another pawn on the chessboard" his words pained you, this isn't the Ciel you knew and loved instead it was a shadow of Ciel filled with evil.
"You're not Ciel," you yelled tears leaking down your face "the real Ciel is sweet and cunning"
Ciel brought his face close to yours and your foreheads touched
"Why....why do you do this," you started to feel a wave of nausea and wanted to throw up
"Why," Ciel whispered wiping the tears from your face
"I did it for you, Y/n I love you," he whispered "and I'm willing to make you into my queen"
I don't want to be a stupid chess piece.....I want to be with the real loving Ciel.......
But what if this is the real Ciel
"I don't want you, I want to be with Kaicha and Amelia," he laughed before taking a big knife and waving it in your face
"If I can't have you, no one can," and with that he stabbed you in the abdomen. It seemed the world stopped and everything happened in slow motion. me
Your body fell on the bed in a heap and you struggled to breathe, Ciel laughed and licked your blood off his knife. The world began to turn darker but not in the your dead type dark but the suffocating smoke type dark.
"What do you wish," the voice that echoed in the smoke demanded
"I want revenge on whoever killed my mother....I want to kill them," was the thought that crossed you mind
"Tch I can't do that....speak before I disappear," the voice rang again
"I want to kill Ciel Phantomhive," you thought and a black hand reached out the smoke which now seemed to emit a purple hue.
"Very well then," the person said and you felt as if a snake were constricting you
You shook the persons hand and the black smoke disappeared.
Your vision was blurry for a moment and you felt someone pick you up.
"Who are you," Ciel demanded and your vision cleared
"I'm nothing more than my mistress's butler now I must leave you," with that a gust of wind blew and you found someone putting you down.

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