Much needed rest

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"You can open your eyes," someone stated, slightly laughing.
You opened your eyes to find yourself in a field. There was a guy who looked to be around your age.
"Hi," you said shyly, he tucked a strand of hair behind your head and smiled.
"I am Sinclair Otaktay," he paused and looked over you. From what seemed like no where he pulled out bandages and other medical things, he proceeded to patch you up
"I assume you are the one who saved me," you asked and he nodded "if you don't mind me asking, what and how old are you"
The guy, Sinclair chuckled and tilted your chin up.
"You're so adorable Y/n-chan I can't wait to devour your soul," he said before hugging you to him "I'm a demon and I'm the same age as you"
"Interesting," you said
"Wanna go home," Sinclair asked
"I live far away, England will never be my home," you stated and he chuckled
"Close your eyes Y/n-chan," you did and heard a gust of air
"Open them," you opened them to see your huge home, well Amelia's that is.
You walked in, Sinclair not that far behind and sat on the familiar stool.
"Upset over there deathsyoung mistress," you nodded and Sinclair fixed a strand of your hair, he was cute but you didn't know how to feel about someone who would devour your soul.
"You can call me y/n"
"Y/n-chan don't worry you'll get your revenge," Sinclair stated before smiling and going into the kitchen
"Kawaii and Kowai how peculiar," you mumbled, Sinclair came back with some tea and placed it on the counter
"Say y/n-chan," Sinclair brought his face close to yours and before you knew it he kissed you.
Why do so many guys kiss me?
You were a blushing mess and he chuckled.
"Female humans intrigue me
y/n-chan," he said smiling and you took a sip of your tea "you're the most intriguing so far y/n-chan"
"Is that so," you asked and he nodded, you put the cup down and ran a hand through your hair.
"So what's your next plan of attack," you went over to the chess board and rearranged some of the pieces before adding a few checker pieces and marbles that are flat on one side.
"What's this game," Sinclair asked sitting across from you
You made it so that the black King was surrounded, however the black knight was behind the king always in his shadows, they were both stacked on a few checker pieces.
Another piece, from a different chess board was brown, a queen which represented you. In front of your piece was a brown knight as well and at your left and right were marbles.
"It's simple," you said "I'm arranging the game strategy"
Sinclair chuckled
"You humans really have a funny way of expressing yourselves," he threw his head back and laughed "but....I love all my humans"
All of his humans
"How many humans have you had and how long have you been a demon," you asked and he smiled poking your nose
"Including you I would say about a million.....I've been a demon for about 4 years and out of all the souls I've eating yours is probably going to taste the best"
You pondered on what he said before getting up and going upstairs.
"Wait for me Y/n-chan I need to protect you," he said and you could feel his body heat against your back, why was he walking so close to you.
You went to your room and to the bathroom and turned around to face Sinclair.
"I can use the bathroom without you watching," you said and he nodded as you closed the door in his face. You clicked on the light and looked in the mirror to see yourself but with weird tattoos on your throat.
"Are you finished," you nodded as if he could see and he opened the door.
He was now in a butler suit and stood behind you and stared at the reflection with you.
"Does it bother you," he asked and you shook your head
"It's just peculiar"
You went to your walk in closet, picked some pajamas, and changed.
Then you got into your large bed and pulled the covers up. You closed your eyes and laid there for a while when thunder boomed.
You flinched but didn't dare to move another inch or call out Kaicha's name.
After about 10 minutes of this terror you felt someone wrap there arms around you and hugged your body to them.
"Who could possibly know that the young Mistress is scared of Thunder," you shook your head and opened your eyes, staring into Sinclair's now Crimson eyes.
"Just exactly what kind of demon are you," you asked
"I feed off your fear," he whispered stroking your head
"I'm a special demon"
"A special little demon," you said and he pinched your cheek you winced and flicked him in the forehead.
"You're lucky you are my butler or I would've kicked you out of my bed," you stated as your phone rang, you went to pick it up but Sinclair beat you.
"Hello," he said not taking his eyes off you "no she's not here"
Just then thunder boomed and lightning flashed causing you to pounce onto Sinclair and bury your face in his chest.
"Ok, I'll tell you when she gets back.....goodbye," he hung up the phone and smiled
"If you wanted to have a round with me Y/n you could've said something before," he said stroking your hair
You blushed as you felt something poke your inner thigh.
"Sinclair can you please calm your hormones...just because you are a demon doesn't me-," you squeaked as he flipped the two of you over so he was on top.
"I can't...because if my master feels like she's not safe," he whispered
The two of you listened to the rain and after a while you decided to speak.
"Is it going to hurt," you asked referring to him sucking your soul away
"I'll tell you when the time comes now go to sleep," you drifted off to bed with your thoughts on the whole Ciel situation racing through your head

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