Your stalker

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You shot up to find yourself in a very familiar room that you've been in before but you can't pinpoint where.
You got out of bed and went downstairs to see Kaicha heading out, he was wearing f/c boxing shorts with his f/c duffel bag which also has one of his f/c boxing gloves sticking out
"Kaicha," you yelled just before he closed the door
"Yeah Y/n-chan"
"Your gloves is hanging out your bag.....have fun training," he blew you a small kiss and you chuckled as he closed the door.
Amelia came down and was in work attire.
"See ya y/n," as soon as she closed the door, the phone rang and you got an eerie feeling.
You didn't want to pick up the phone yet curiosity got the better of you.
You answered the phone
"Hello," you squeaked out and all you heard was the stereotypical breathing of a guy who you guess was a stalker.
"You know.........curiosity killed the cat," you felt as if your every movement was being watched
"Ha ha Kaicha this isn't funny," you said "good thing I'm not a cat either"
"I'm not Kaicha"
"Then who are you," you asked and when he didn't answer you hung up the phone.
Just as you were about to walk away the phone rang again.
Over the months you constantly changed your number but the person always seemed to contact you and over time it got creepier and creepier.
At first you would think it was the usual everyday questions and then a few sexual ones but no it was nothing like that.
He was a complete stalker....
He would call you as soon as you were alone and it wasn't like Kaicha and Amelia had a schedule, then if you ignored it you would hear a weird noise in a place that should be the attic.....only there wasn't one and you weren't going to investigate because let's face it.......this is not Scooby doo.
After ignoring the call the phone would ring endlessly until it drove you crazy, you blocked the number and knew it still wouldn't end.
If you didn't answer the phone the doorbell would ring and when you checked no one would be there, the phone would ring again and again until you finally answered it.
From there "he" would tell you every single thing that happened during the day, who you were with, what time, what place literally even the times you went to the girls restroom.
You would hang up and disconnect the phone and when Kaicha got back he would reconnect it and the rest of the day would be normal.
This went on and on until finally there was one faithful day that you still remember.
"It's nice to hear such a sweet lovely voice especially after they've been busy with (friends names) at the mall going to f/s," he rambled about where you went to and you pinched the bridge of your nose
"Don't scrunch your face up like that, you might ruin such a pretty face," you were used to this comment
"What the hell do you want," you demanded
"Don't get feisty or I might just kill another person you love," you were shocked for a second before you came to a realization
"What do you mean another person I love.....did you-"
"Yes I did angel, It's funny how turning the oven up a bit can cause a house to burn down," you felt angry and before you could sputter out profanities you heard someone burst down the phone on the other line
"What are y-," the line went dead

After that you no longer dealt with a stalker nor wanted or cared for him.
You didn't care what happened but you know if the two of you ever crossed paths you would in fact fuck him up to the point where he was on life support.
A lot of people may wonder why didn't you call the did, several times in fact but the cops didn't believe anyone who didn't have proof and told you to get some and change your number.
You recorded stuff but by the time you made it to the police station to show them the data you collected it was as if someone erased the videos.

You suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia and post traumatic stress disorder but somehow your mind had subconsciously pushed everything deep down into an abyss where all the things you never want to here about cannot be reached, unless triggered.
You remembered this all of a sudden
"......Y/n it's time to get up"
And suddenly you were being pulled from this memory to who knows where

Yandere Cielxreader Where stories live. Discover now