Choice B The plans a go

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"Y/n wake up," I sat up and groaned
"Why life whyyyyyyy," I mumbled as Sinclair chuckled. He gave me my favorite breakfast and I quickly ate it.
"Sinclair I've made a decision," I said and he raised a brow.
My feet touched the cold wood and I walked around the bed so I was now standing in front of his tall frame.
"I want to kill Ciel and Sebastian," I said the room fell silent before Sinclair ran a hand through his silky hair
"Do you mind if I ask you a question Y/n," you shook your head and a delicate smile plastered itself on Sinclair's lips
"Why exactly do you want to kill Ciel and Sebastian," when I gave him a really look he decided to restate his question "what is your purpose.....are you doing this for yourself or your friends"
I leaned on the bedpost and stared into his orbs for eyes.
"I'm doing this for friends got involved and they died so I guess I'm avenging them," I turned swiftly on the heel of my foot
"That's enough of this questioning I am going to get dressed
I got dressed and Sinclair and I went over the plan.
"I can sense him coming," Sinclair put my hat on and nudged me towards the door.
"Sinclair promise me something again," I said and he nodded
"Don't get killed"
He grabbed my pinky with his and swung our arms as he chanted
"This is a promise!....I won't get killed for my dear Y/n," I've never seen Sinclair smile so innocently or be so childish "or I'll have to swallow a thousand needles"
You recognized this from Saki and smiled
"Seal it with a kiss," you both chanted. You moved your thumb to press it with his but instead he pulled you to him and latched his lips on yours.
Your heart skipped a beat and Sinclair let go before patting your head and pushing you out the door.
"See you later Y/n-chan," he closed the door and you pretended to be meandering.
You could feel "his" eyes on you as you walked to the park and sat on a bench.
You sighed and looked at some kids playing before your view was blocked.
"Y/n I have orders for you to come with me," you pretended he wasn't there and Sebastian picked you up before tossing you over his shoulder.
"Let me go you soul sucking bum," you shouted "bloody hell to you"
Sebastian chuckled at your British vocabulary as it was very limited.
In a flash you were in the same room you hated, in front of the man you hated.
"Y/n, Y/n," Ciel tsked "do you know how much trouble you've caused and how much pain I've felt without you"
Ciel caressed your face and you felt disgusted but hid it with a neutral look.
"Answer me," he pinched your cheek
That's when you put the plan into motion.
"Ciel," you hiccuped "I'm really sorry....I realized what I've done wrong and have been crying over you but Sinclair wouldn't let me leave"
He sniffed your hair and ran his hands through your h/c locks before chaining you to the wall.
"See ya later love"

Time skip brought to you by Sinclair's wonderful abs

I've been waiting here for a long.
Sebastian walked in alongside Ciel and you looked behind them expectantly.
Sinclair smirked from the shadows and you pretended not to see anything.
"Say y/n.....did you miss me while you were gone," you nodded
"Ciel can you uncuff me," he gave you a look of distrust "I promise I don't want to leave"
Sebastian and him exchanged looks and Ciel uncuffed you
You rubbed your wrists and stretched before throwing your arms around Ciel.
"Thank you so much"
That's when it was time to strike as you let go of him, you swung him into the wall and chained him.
"Sinclair you already know my orders," I barked and Ciel gave me a look of surprise before licking his lips
"Yes Y/n"

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