¡¡¡Ciel's birthday!!!

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Sorry you guys for not posting this yesterday but I had a headache and I wasn't feeling well so I decided to go to sleep early!!! But since it was Ciel's birthday yesterday (as of December 14)

Ciel: it's pronounced as Anyways

Me: -_- neiner nainer
Ciel: *sips tea* those aren't words either
Me: whatever......on to the story
Ciel: Oi baka!!! Are y- *gets carried away by Author-chan*
(This is a different timeline than the Yandere story)

"Ciel thanks for taking me here," you stated as the two of you sipped tea
Ciel just mumbled under his breathe and continued to sip the tea
"Y/n," he said and you looked up
"Nevermind," he had a faint blush on his face
"Here you go young sir and ma'am," the waiter winked at you and you gave him a bored look
You turned back to Ciel who was glaring at the waiter before he turned to you.
"Time to chow down," you put a piece of the steak in your mouth (or it can be Salmon or if you're a vegetarian it's salad or something along those lines)
"Y/n slow down before you choke," Ciel seemed to be a bit crabby
The two of you ate the rest of the meal in silence
"Waiter sir can I get the check," Ciel looked at you in disbelief
"But what about the chocolate cake slice I always get," he barked out
You pretended to play innocent as the waiter handed you the check and you paid.
"Oi Y/n I'm paying," you grabbed his hand and led him out
You waited and Ciel gave you a curious look.
A carriage pulled up and the navigator tipped his hat at you.
You smiled and Ciel helped you into it.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you," you said nothing and leaned your head on his shoulder
"Oi, Y-Y/n," he was blushing and you could tell that he was embarrassed by the sudden contact
"Be quiet Ciel," you mumbled "just enjoy the ride"
He didn't open his mouth up after that, instead he laid your head in his lap.
You stared into his one eye
"C-ciel," it was your turn to blush and be embarrassed
"Be quiet Y/n just enjoy the ride," he mocked before messing in your h/c hair.
You listened to the steady rhythm of the horses hooves before the carriage came to a sudden halt.
You almost fell but Ciel grabbed your arms.
The door was flung open by a powerful gust of wind and out showed snow.
"We're in a storm"
"How....peculiar," you weren't dressed for a snow day.
"My lady this is as far as we can go but the carriage is in front of the Phantomhive estate"
You held onto the bottom of your dress and peered out the carriage door to see the manor.
"Good thank you gentlemen please return home safely," you flipped a coin at them which the navigator caught.
"Y-y/n just wait in here," you didn't listen to him and plopped onto the soft cold snow

You ran in the direction of the manor with your arms wrapped around yourself
"Baka you'll freeze before you get there," Ciel tried to hand you his jacket but instead you snuggled close to him inside it, that was the both of you would be warm
"Y/n," Ciel blushed and you continued the cold journey till the two of you swung the doors open.
"Sebastian," Ciel beckoned but he did not come.
The two of you closed the doors and continued from the manor.
"Ciel," you pulled him along till you got a ballroom.
"What are we doing here"
"Well....," you blushed "I wanted to dance with you"
You pushed open the doors to meet darkness.
Ciel entered and you moved out of his grasp.
"Y/n why is dark," Ciel whispered "where did you go you can get hurt"
"SURPRISE," the lights flicked on to reveal everyone with party hats, cake, presents, etcetera "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIEL"

Music played and some people danced others went to meet the birthday boy.
You were dancing with Finnian at the moment and noticed Ciel was gone.
"Ciel's not very fond of these events," Finnian said and you nodded
"I'm not either but I know Ciel likes that we put effort into him"
He spun you around and brought you back close.
The music ended and you both parted ways.
You grabbed a piece of chocolate cake and nearly jumped three feet in the air
"Enjoying the party lady Y/n," you nodded
"It's quite splendid," the two of you walked towards the entrance that Ciel and you walked through. Sebastian held the door open.
"Do show the young lord a good time he's always so uptight," he winked at you and you smiled
"Of course I will Sebastian see you later," the two of you bid farewell and parted ways.
You walked to where Ciel's bedroom was only for him not to be there.
"Of course he wouldn't be here," you went to you room and grabbed your present before going to the birthday boy's office.
You opened the door without knocking
"Sebastian you're supposed t-," Ciel looked up from his papers to you and you closed the door.
"Hi Ciel," you went over to his desk and put the piece of cake in front of him as well as the present.
"Happy birthday," he smirked and grabbed the plate
"Thank you Y/n," he said in-between cake bites
"No probl-," he put a piece of cake in your mouth and you chewed before swallowing the savory deliciousness
"Oh Y/n you have something on your lip," Ciel went around his desk chair and walked over to you
You felt his warm lips on yours as he embraced your petite frame, he deepened the kiss and pushed you against the desk.
"I love you Y/n"
"I love you to Ciel"
He smirked
"You know what's my favorite birthday present"
"It's you baka," and with that the lip locking session continued

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