Chapter 18 - Excalibur

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Hiya everyone!!

I'm so sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys!!

I've been so busy with my postgraduate study that I've just not had the time!

Anyway, you guys have waited long behold!

Chapter 18 - Excalibur. 

See you guys at the other side!




An explosion.

Merlin was coughing as he waved his hand, to remove the smoke that had suddenly filled the potion room.

"I'm sorry..." I apologised quickly, dropping my hands and pulling a face as Merlin nodded, still coughing.

"It's okay..." His high-pitched voice made me feel guiltier for causing the explosion. As the smoke settled, the table before me had been blown to splinters. "That's close."

"You told me to levitate the table?" I pointed out and he raised his eyebrows.

"It did levitate," He assured me.

"It then exploded..."

I groaned as Merlin sighed. "It's okay, Astrid. It's your first time!"

I scoffed. "I fought Annelise with this magic..." I looked at my hands. "I built a castle and rebuilt our entire island with this magic. I decorated a bedroom with this magic..." I clasped my hands to my chest. "Why can I not control it now?"

"Because it's been a while," Merlin stated and I looked at him. He snapped his fingers and the table was rebuilt, the smoke and debris gone. "Magic takes time to get used to. You did all that stuff, yes, but you couldn't do basic things. You have to start at the beginning and then make your way to the top. If you had started at the basics two years ago, you would've been able to do so much more when the time came to fight Annelise and her army."

"How long did it take you?"

He smiled. "Years. I was born with magic, like you, but I trained with it from when I was a young boy. It was the only thing I knew..." He sighed. "Astrid, I've been alive for over 500 years. I am the most powerful sorcerer, but I'm also very weak." He walked to her. "Magic takes time and commitment. I swore to help you and I intend to stand by that."

"Thank you..." She smiled as he stood next to her.

"We'll start...small..." He snapped his fingers and an apple appeared in place of the table. "Levitate it."

I nodded and raised my hand. I channelled my energy into my arms and focused on the red fruit on the floor before me. Taking deep breaths, I focused long and hard on what I wanted to happen.

No distractions.

I closed my eyes, imagining the fruit before me levitating as my arms began to tingle.

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