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Hi guys!!!

So, how are you all???


I am fan-girling way to hard for both of these seasons (my OTP heart is palpitating and I have died and gone to heaven too many times to count). 

I will start with my review of Race to the Edge, seeing as its the more popular show, but I do really, really recommend you watch Voltron: Legendary Defender because its just as good. Dreamworks have got a good thing going on here with this collab with Netflix. 



- All in all, it was an EPIC season! I loved everything about it! I feel like if the series ended here, I would be satisfied. So much happened in thirteen episodes that I can't handle it guys! 

- The character development for the dragon riders was on point. And the rider that grew the most? Definitely Fishlegs, in my opinion. He has become stronger, not just mentally but physically and I feel he has definitely grown the best. He still has his sensitive side which is what I love about Fishlegs. Seeing Hiccup as his best friend was just...aaww!! My heart strings <3. He has more faith in himself which is a positive. I also love his bromance with Hiccup so much!!! XD. It's great watching these two bond over everything but also clash as well due to their smartness as seen in 'Out of the Frying Pan' . That episode was epic. XD.

- The twins were the same, but I loved that they definitely got smarter as well, surprisingly! In 'Dire Straits', the twins proved that they are actually quite intellectual when they want to be. I do believe Ruffnut is smarter than Tuffnut (this has been proven many times before and also defends the scientific phrase that girls are smarter than boys!!!). Their relationship has improved significantly as well, which was shown in 'Gruff Around the Edges'  and 'Twintuition'. I love that they trust each other and that they can act mature-like but also be their usual foolish selves when they want to. Ruffnut is more of a badass as you could see in 'Twintuition'. I loved that about her. She didn't crack under pressure and for once, she was the damsel-in-distress. Honestly, Ruff and Tuff have grown significantly and it will be interesting to see where they go from here in the final two seasons. 

- Snotlout has earned a bit more respect with the other dragon riders which I think is good, seeing how close they all are in the second movie. I find that his storylines are always focused on him standing up to his father and although it can be repetitive at times, I do like that its about him finding his own feet and standing up for himself. For the first time, it was acknowledged about Snotlout's rank within the dragon riders and that when Hiccup becomes Chief, he would be the head of the dragon riders and almost second-in-command of the tribe, like his father. I love that both he and Hiccup are trying to stand up on their two feet and not be shadowed by what their father's want so they have something in common. Let's not ignore the part when Snotlout rode Toothless...or was forced to ride him by the Night Fury himself!!! XD

- I liked Heather this season. I did not like the fact that the previous season focused too much on her, especially near the end of the season, but it built up her story for her to be more of a background character this season, with a few inputs here and there. I do love her sass though. HEATHLEGS IS REAL!!!!! I am so happy about it, and I was sad that she left the dragon riders, but she came back - she always does. DAGUR IS ALIVE, PEOPLE!!!! I screamed at the screen when I saw him...alive! I loved that Heather forgave her brother and their relationship was everything! The Berserker battle cry was epic!!! Dagur and the Triple Stryke in 'Shell Shocked Part 2' was perfect! They are perfect for each other; the dragons should represent who the rider is and I think the Triple Stryke is perfect for him as they both have fiery tempers that they have trouble controlling. I really hope we see both Dagur and Heather in the final two seasons because it would be good to see what happened to them; like why are they not present in the second movie? And do they find their father? 

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