Chapter 16 - Wӕlisc

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As you can see, this chapter went through a title change, mainly because the old title didn't really fit the story. 

You will meet many more characters in this chapter so sit back and enjoy!

Again, I'm not going to linguistically translate the Welsh names. Just read what you will save everyone time!


Here's a map of Wales in 1000AD. 

As you can see, there are random coloured dots on the map

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As you can see, there are random coloured dots on the map. 

This is why;

- The purple dot at the top is where the dragon riders first landed and where Astrid and Ada were kidnapped. 

- The yellow dot is the village that Hiccup and the dragon riders find in this chapter which is known as Ruthin. 

- The pink dot is the castle where Astrid and Ada are being held in this chapter. 

- The red dot is the village of Llangollen. You'll see what they find here. 

- The green dot at the bottom of the map in number 18 is Garlot and you will see who is there...but all in good time. 

There is a dream sequence in this chapter so try to remember what happens, because it will be important for the next chapter. 

Okay, enjoy! See you guys on the other side!!!




"This...this is impossible..." Astrid rocked back and forth as she tried to comprehend everything that had just happened. She looked up at Ada who was just as scared as her. " alive?" Astrid croaked, her voice breaking from the pain that had filled her heart.

"And she's the Dark Knight..." Annelise added. "She has the dagger..."

"But how? How can she have it?" Astrid sobbed. "Whoever possesses the dagger retains control of the Dark Knight. If Annelise has the dagger..."

"She retains freewill..." Ada continued. "But the dagger was hidden! No-one was supposed to know where it was! That was her punishment! How is this punishment?" Ada screamed.

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