Chapter 22 - Mother Like Mine

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Hi everyone!!

So, this chapter is rrreeeaaalllyyy late, I know!!

I have been really busy and I have re-written this chapter so many times! Honestly, I'm still not happy with the final version but I hope you all do!

Before I continue, I have to put in a disclaimer. 

There is a scene in this chapter that suggests sexual assault against one of the characters. It's not graphic in anyway but rather suggestive (?) but it's important for me to put this disclaimer in. As a warning, there will be a heart emoji () at the beginning of the scene and another heart at the end so you can skip that entire scene if you feel uncomfortable. The scene is essential for the coming chapters, particularly for chapter 24, hence why it is included.

And on that note, here's Chapter 22!

Enjoy xx




Darkness was all around as the Franks slept in their homes and stray animals roamed the streets. Only a few days ago, rats were running riot, filling wells, troughs, fields and homes – infesting everything.

Now, the rat problem had been solved, but the debt had not been paid.

So...a compromise was passed, without prior permission from the Franks.

He stood in the empty streets and looked all around.

For one, he could bring the rats back but that would be too easy. He had done his work on removing them but had not been paid – so he had to think of something else.

And he smirked – the perfect compromise.

He had seen during his time how badly the children were treated by their parents. It was always work, work, work for folks and children were ignored.

In his mind, why have children if you weren't going to love and care for them?

And this...this was what he had in mind.

Of course, the parents wouldn't miss their children...

They probably couldn't wait to get rid of them.

Lifting his pipe to his lips, he glanced left and right before he began to play a tune.

It echoed through the quiet streets and the children woke up instantly.

They rubbed their sleepy eyes and yawned, walking to the windows and doors of their homes to see what was going on.

Their parents, hearing the children move but not the musical melody awoke too. "Get back to bed!" They snapped, refusing to allow their incompetent children to interfere with their sleep when they needed every wink of it to function the next day.

But the children ignored their parents and listened to the music that made them smile and giggle.

Their parents demanded for them to close the doors and windows, the heat was escaping but the children had been enchanted by the piper.

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