Chapter 30 - Briar and Rose

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I hope you all enjoy the chapter! 

It ends with a shocking revelation, a 'dead'(?) person (think Infinity War) and so much more!!!

See you all at the end!!




"Flowers...check. Ribbons...check. Sword...check..." Astrid ran through a checklist. "Alright...take it all to Thor's beach and begin setting up." She ordered a few Berkians and they obeyed, taking the boxes of decorations to the beach.

Astrid smiled proudly at the preparations still underway in the Great Hall. "This is going to be the best wedding ever..."

Because, finally, with their daughter, aged 24, Tristan Hofferson and Isolde Janson were getting married.

"Oh...Astrid..." Isolde grumbled as she descended the stairs, shaking her head. "Honey, I told you I only want a simple and small ceremony!" Isolde approached her as Astrid looked at her. "This doesn't look simple or small." She gestured to the many decorations going up in the Great Hall.

"It's not every day your parents are cursed for falling in love and then finally get to marry after 24 years!" Astrid replied. "I'm going to give you and Dad the day you both deserve."

Isolde smiled. "I appreciate this...I do..." Isolde took her hands. "But I don't need a fancy ceremony to prove my love for your father."

Astrid smiled and nodded. "I know..." She squeezed her hands. "But technically until you marry, I'm still illegitimate and that doesn't look for good for Berk."

Isolde laughed. "For you, anything!"

Mother and daughter hugged as Astrid sighed. "I know you gave me full control..."

"And so far, not regretting it!" Isolde joked as Astrid chuckled.

"But...if there was one thing you wanted, what would it be?" Astrid questioned as Isolde sighed.

"I have everything here..."

"You say that...but there must be something...anything!" Astrid asked as Isolde looked at her.

"Honestly...I would want my mother and sister here...but I know that won't happen..."

Isolde kissed her daughter's head and left as Astrid sighed, looking at her clipboard.

She knew what that felt like.


"I'm freaking out man, freaking out!" Snotlout paced back and forth as the riders, minus Astrid were gathered with their dragons as they completed another brief session of training. "The Haldanes are coming and I'm going to have to tell them about Matilda and me!"

"You should've thought about that before you seduced her..." Eret grumbled as Snotlout shook his head.

"That is not what happened!" He turned to him. "What do I do? What do I say?"

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