Chapter 23: HERE I AM

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'What happened here?'

Smoke whirled above the ruined houses, smashed doors and broken windows. The wooden fence was completely wrecked and the once well maintained front yard has turned into a total chaos.

Few dead goblins scattered around, some hanging by the roofs, some under overturned benches and smashed by huge logs and barrels. Some where lying on the grass, ripped and a few missing a head if not limbs. Crows have taken most of the flesh leaving carcasses to flies and other small time scavengers, wild dogs and other creeps alike.

The larva thriving on their flesh has matured to black and pinkish worms feasting the bounties, proof that these bodies have been dead for no less than a day. It is early morning and the foul smell of rotting flesh almost made me nauseous but the awful sight wasn't enough to keep me away. 'Where is everybody?'


I knew they left but to where? It was only two days since I'm gone. There's no sign of a second attack, the place looked the same as I last saw it. Worried, I turned to Miraak. 'I knew I couldn't trust them. Ugh...why is this happening to me? I did what I thought was right, and this is what I get in return?'

'What are you afraid of, Sah...fih...rah!?' Miraak shook its wings, hard enough to send the terrified scavengers running. The crows flew raucously. Miraak finally tucked its wings as it sat on the grass.

I ignored the dragon, I knew it was a rhetorical question. What I am really afraid of? We'll, I've evaded a group of hunters, survived an ambush and jumped off a three hundred feet cliff, I could say nothing could scare me now. I have cheated death many times and I could do it again, probably! If those men will spread words about me, I hope its something I should be thankful of.

I turned to inspect some more, sauntering towards the broken wooden fence. Tables turned, empty barrels lying on the ground, buckets and other scraps were all over the place, there's no breathing souls  aside from animals and crows cawing above.

These people showed me mercy and I gave them back my secret, now they're all gone. Words will travel soon. I don't think everyone could keep their mouths shut, not anyone who have seen a fire breathing dragon. Everyone will be up for the hunt, all for gold and tales to tell. This time they knew what and who they will be looking for.

'Death.' I said without looking back.

'That is a lie.' Miraak didn't move, the dragon remained sitting just outside the fence. We've flown a great distance without a stop but my body didn't feel a need to rest. Perhaps I fear to get caught afterall.

'I am afraid to die,' I scoffed.

'Without knowing the truth,' the dragon continued.

'I don't believe that woman and don't talk to me like you know everything!' I said irritated. 'Can you believe it? She actually thought the Northman was my grandfather and I have an Elvish father who abondoned me. I must be a stubborn child or an ugly looking baby. Why would my alleged elven-father abondoned me after mother died? Leaving me to the hands of what she accused of being a shameful man? Well in fact that shameful man raised me well, showed me love more than any child could ever wish for !'

Miraak paused to listen to my rants, for a while, then lowered its head to the ground, its blind eyes staring at something as if it could see. I turned and continued, 'I know I am being irrational now, I can rave all I want, right? Noone's listening to me anyway, noone understands how I feel. This is ridiculous, extremely...absurd.' I shouted the last three words.

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