New Beginings

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Ik ik no one likes these authors notes but guess what I don't care... simply put I just want to thank you guys for reading this book. I'm kinda new at this. Anyways this is supposed to be about Amour not me *sweat drops* ig if you want to know more about me look at my profile. Feeling stalkerish and still want to know more start a conversation... wait what the hell am I doing I have a story to write... *facepalms*

THIRD PERSON (First person coming chapter 3)
"ASH better be up getting ready for school...." Delia received no answer."sometimes that boy can sleep longer than a rock." Which was funny considering how dense of a boy he was... she thought. Delia sweat dropped.

"Pikachu can you do me a favor and go wake him up its already 6:30."

"Chaaaaa!" Pikachu was waiting all morning to hear those words he always loved to give Ash a lesson for not waking up on time. In fact the only time Ash ever got up on early was when he was training with his pokemon. As Pikachu ran up the stairs all Ash's mom could do was chuckle.

"Pikkaaaa Chuuuuuu!!!" Ash opened his eyes immediately after hearing those words fly out of Pikachu's mouth, but it was already a bit too late. As Ash felt the power of Pikachu's thunderbolt, one billion volts course through his veins, it was no joke. Simply put. It Hurt. But being Pikachu's trainer Ash had pretty much built enough tolerance so it didn't kill him.

"Uhgghhh... oh man that hurt Pikachu.. wait a minute... Its Monday oh crap don't tell me I slept in." Ash exclaimed after looking over at his alarm clock. The clock read 6:33 great he didn't oversleep, all Ash could do was let out a sigh of relief.

"I really need to get rid of that piece of crap alarm clock it never goes off..." Ash said while scratching his head. "Well at least I got you Pikachu."

"Pika Pikachuu!" Pikachu smiled.

Ash laughed he really hated being woken up like that but it was better than being late.

Ash had just recently moved to the Kalos region after he had left his home town Pallet Town in the Kanto region. He was a 14 year old teen, who had just embarked on a new adventure except it was totally diffrent than his normal adventures, this time it was his freshman year.

Ash wasn't sure what to expect during this ride throughout high school he was about to take. He was just hoping he would fit in make tons of friends and have a great time these next 4 years.

After Ash got all his things together, and took a shower he was deciding whether or not to fix the mess he called hair after deciding against doing his Raven black hair he was looking at what to put on, after wasting about five minutes he couldn't decide so he just wore his normally getup. Ash always wore his signature red hat with a white half circle above the bill, a blue jacket, not fully zipped up but enough to see his black shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and red and black sneakers.

Ash headed downstairs with his partner Pikachu riding on his shoulder.

"Hey mom.." Ash sweat dropped

"Finally decided to get out of bed I see. You were supposed to wake up at 6 mister it's already 6:50 you better hurry up and finish your breakfast and get to the bus. Oh and I hope you didn't forget to put on a fresh pair of underwear."

"MOM! How many times do I have to tell you I did that 1 time only because you forgot to wash the clothes, sheesh." Leave it to my mom to always make a big deal out of everything Ash thought to himself.

"I know Ash I'm only teasing, it seems like it was only yesterday you were in diapers, b-b-but now my little boys starting his first day of highschool." Delia said with tears in her eyes.

"MOM! Again really, are you serious you're about to cry over that. Ash cried.

"Hah again only teasing." Delia smiled at her son whom she thought was growing up too fast.


"Yea mom...?" Ash said while inhaling his pancakes and bacon through his teeth.

"Would you slow down a bit while eating you don't want to get an upset stomach. Knowing how you eat you're probably going to inhale an excess amount of air while eating that food." Delia sighed, "you're also not going to get a girlfriend if you eat like a pig."

"Huh, okay... Im already going to make tons of friends guys and girls who cares how I eat?" Ash said confused.

Delia mentally facepalmed herself. He really is as dense as a rock Delia thought to herself... she sweat dropped. He's my little dense rock I guess. Delia smiled





"Huh...oh sorry Ash I was just doing a little thinking. His mom laughed

"Alright... well I got to go come on Pikachu."

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu was excited.

Ash thought he saw Pikachu hiding something behind his back but didn't say anything.

"Alright bye mom!" Ash said while running out the front door.

"Be back at home at 6 that's when dinner will be ready!" His mom shouted at him turning back to the fridge.

"Hmm I wonder where the ketchup went" Delia said aloud to herself.

Ash was walking to the bus stop wondering how that whole experience was going to go. Would people stare at him and misjudge him or would people be just flat out rude. He didn't know and he didn't really care. The bus stop was about 5 minutes from his house, it was at the intersection at the end of the block. Ash lived at the end of the block which ended in a cul de sac, where there was never any traffic. As Ash reached into his pocket he realized that he didn't have his phone.

"Crap, my phone I left it on the counter."

And unluckily for Ash he saw the bus about 3 blocks down.

"Fabulous." He rolled his eyes. Taking Pikachu into his arms Ash made a mad dash for his house hoping he'd be able to make it back, it only took Ash a minute to get to his house running, Ash was a pretty fast runner but he was cutting it close. He ran inside grabbed his phone off the kitchen counter and ran like his life depended on it. As he was running he noticed a girl watching him while she was inside a car leaving, he shook his head. I've got to get to this bus.

If only Ash knew that his phone, him being late, it was all going to come together. He just didn't know it yet.


Well that concludes the first chapter I promise I'll make them longer so dont kill me. I'm already working on the second one, I don't really know when I'll release new chapters haven't decided yet but we'll see im still on summer break so I have a lot of spare time on my hands. Feel free to check out the other chapters they get better.

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