Good Accident

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Since this is the new dub episode and I released this I thought it was perfect for this chapter. Wrote this at like 11 pm. Enjoy

Serena's POV
I need to hurry up and put some stuff in my locker before first period starts, I had English first period. Not exactly my favorite subject... I sweat dropped to myself, even though I always end up with around 94-98% percent in there I really didn't enjoy it. My phone buzzed. I looked and saw a text from Dawn.

Why did you leave the lunch room so early Serena we were all going to walk to our classes together.

Oh sorry Dawn I just have to put some stuff away in my locker I'll see you and the girls later on.

Hmmmph okay ig ._.

Just as I was putting my phone away I felt like I just got hit by a bus.

"Sorry about that I was too busy looking at my schedule.

I looked up and saw a boy about my age maybe a little older than me had said it. It was the new kid with the red hat only this time I saw his face, and he looked c-u-t-e with his Raven black hair and blue jacket. I looked down embarrassed trying to hide my blush

"That's alright I wasn't paying attention either I was preoccupied looking at my phone." I sweat dropped. Normally I would have blown a gasket but for some reason I didn't.

He reached over to help me with my things but it kinda ended up with my hand on top of his. Immediately my cheeks turn scarlet before I looked away, Totally embarrassed.

"Well then let me help you up, here give me your hand." I took his hand to get up, but I guess I was a lot lighter than he thought and he pulled me up as if I weighed as much as a feather and we ended up in some sort of hug and my cheeks were on fire. I swear I must have been more red than a ruby. Why was I blushing so much, it was only the new kid.

"Sorry, about that..." He told me. "my name's Ash, and this is Pikachu. He pointed to his right shoulder, but there was nothing there.

I giggled.

Wait why did i giggle. Nice Serena you probably made him feel weird... I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Huh I could have sworn he was right there."

I giggled again. Damn why can't I stop doing this it's totally embarrassing.

He took off his backpack and looked inside and there was a Pikachu inside his backpack with a bottle of ketchup just chilling acting like everything was cool taking a sip out of the bottle. It was pretty damn cute.

"Awww, your Pikachu is so cute... by the way my name's Serena. I had said while still giggling. Why am I STILL Giggling... uhhh.

"Pikachuu!" The tiny mouse squealed.

I saw Ash facepalm so I took a closer look inside his bag and saw a huge disaster inside. His pikachu must have spilt the whole entire bottle in there

"Chaaaaa!" Pikachu squealed again.

I smiled.

"Great pikachu, look at what you did mom is going to be so upset at what happened." He sighed again. Looks like Pikachu didn't really care since he was sticking his hand around in Ash's backpack trying to get a little more ketchup.

"I'm sorry about that, he loves his ketchup." He sweat dropped.

"That's alright, he's a really cute pokemon by the way. I smiled again, I keep smiling and giggling and blushing around this dude what the heck.

"You think so?" He just laughed, and looked at his phone.

"Crap it's already 7:50 I better get going..."

"Oh okay... bye Ash" I don't know why but I was a little disappointed.

"See you around!" He smiled while walking away.

Hmmmph I wonder why I keep acting weird it's only the new kid.

"Hey Serena wait up!"

"Huh?" I turned around acting a little a little surprised, I was hoping he'd come back needing help or something
"Oh Ash what's up?" I smiled. I noticed he shook his head a bit for some odd reason.

"I was wondering if you could show me where Mrs. Limoges' class. I don't really know where to go still learning the building."


Here we go I was praying that God would help me.

"Okay, I actually have the same class. Its actually through this door I pointed to my left. It's in the English department. Follow me."

After passing a few classrooms we came into Mrs. Limoges' class.

"Ahhh you guys are early a lot of the students on the first day are often late. Since you're the first in the class you can have first pick on where to sit." Mrs. Limoges smiled.

Ash sat in the back right corner in the room so I decided to sit next to him.

"Hey Serena how did you know where this classroom was. You're a freshman too right? He asked puzzled.

God he was cute. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink again, I didn't understand why. He just asked me a simple question...

"W-Well you see Ash, we had a tour of the highschool a week before school started, b-but since you hadn't moved here yet you couldn't have known about that. I smiled. Why couldn't I stop smiling.

"Right... I guess you're right." He scratched his cheek. It was 7:45 and all of the students started to tumble in. 1 by 1 until the class was pretty much full with the exception of a few seats. There was always the possibility of someone being late. I was praying no one I knew would come into the classroom, because if one of the girls was to come they would know something was up especially Dawn and May. My thoughts were interrupted by Ash.

"You happen to know anyone in here so far." He smiled.

"You know not really anyone I talk to. I "know" people in here but I don't really talk to anyone in here. I blushed at at thought of actually having the chance of sitting with Ash alone in one class.

"You're face is turning red... are you okay Serena. Ash looked a bit worried for some reason. Although with what he said it just made me blush harder.
By now I must look like a tomato so I just leaned forward and let my hair covered my face.

"Serena...? Ash asked.

"Huh... oh sorry Ash I was just thinking. I smiled nervously hoping he didn't see me blushing.

"Okay." He smiled giving me a silly grin. He didn't look like the type of person that was quick to catch onto things like this. He did look cute with his silly grin.... something I could get used too.

"Good morning class and welcome to your first day of English now I am aware that their might be some people a bit tardy, but next class there will be no excuse for being late since you already know where the class is
... furthermore we will be starting the first class with a getting to know you activity....

The next 60 minutes were pretty much 1 of the worst hours of my life. Thankfully the only person in my first period class that I talked to was Ash. Half of the time I wasn't even paying attention to Mrs. Limoges speaking, but found myself thinking of Ash who was petting Pikachu while he slept on top of his desk. Which was quite hard considering he could see me gaze at him every so often. Although all he would do was smile at me with his goofy grin, causing me to grin. He seemed like a nice person who could inspire others easily.

Hope you guys liked this chapter more coming out soon.

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