Talk About Embarrassing

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This is like the 9th chapter and I'm still on the first day of school wtf.

Serena's POV

After pokemon training, my last period period was just your typical first day stuff. Going over class rules expectations, what we are covering this year, yada yada yada. So I really didn't pay attention. I was pretty good at biology so I wasn't in any real trouble. I just wanted this day to be over, I realized that I hadn't let Fennekin out the whole day, after coming to school. So I took her out of her pokeball and she sat on my lap so I started to brush her tail, which she really enjoys. While I was brushing her hair I could only think of Ash's battle, he seemed like he had been training with his pokemon forever, developing really strong bonds with them. Then again I've only seen Pikachu and Infernape, so I had no idea what his other pokemon were.

The bell rung after what seemed like a decade. And I headed for the bus, but decided to dump my stuff off at my locker. Seeing as I only had a Spanish assignment I just put my Spanish folder in my backpack and left my other materials in my locker. I was running kind of late to the bus but I didn't mind, it's not like I was going to miss it or anything. When I got onto the bus I sat in the seat next to Dawn and May who were already sitting down. Iris and Misty were talking in the seats behind them.

"So..." Dawn whispered towards me with a smirk on her face. " You do realize that I'm going to get off at your stop right we still have a lot of things to talk about right?" She shook her finger at me.

I sighed. "Yes Dawn I know, I know." Having a best friend wasn't always a good thing. They always knew you like the back of their hands so there really was no point in hiding secrets.

The bus driver was about to go, but then I heard a kid yelling.

"WAIT UP! Gimme a sec!"

"You got lucky kid." The bus driver told him as he climbed onto the bus.

"Yea, thanks for waiting." He sweat dropped. I looked up and my heart stopped.

If you haven't guessed it was Ash, of course it was Ash. Dawn looked over at my with the biggest grin slapped onto her face. For once I wanted to slap that grin off her face and onto the floor.

My heart was racing as Ash was walking down the aisle, I was praying he would sit in the back with Gary and his buddies. But of course God doesn't let that happen. Ash spotted me from a mile away.

"Oh hey Serena, mind if I sit next to you. He sweat dropped. "There's no other open seats."

I looked up at him and immediately my cheeks felt like they were hotter than a Charmander's tail flame. I looked over at Dawn and she did the quote sign with her hands and mouthed the words "No open seats" sarcastically. Did Ash really want to sit by me... does he like me... no it he probably doesn't. He probably thinks of me as a friend.

"Serena, you okay?" He gave me his goofy smile.

"Huh, oh yea sure." I turned away as my cheeks felt like they were boiling. That smile always makes me blush. This was going to be a long bus ride home. It was pretty awkward the first few minutes we just sat there in silence.

Great, I have too say something, but what if I ask him the wrong thing. Will he still talk to me, I hope I don't say anything stupid or embarrassing, then he'll just think that I'm weird. Uhgghhh. Why did Ash make me feel like this.

"So how was your first day at school Ash asked pulling me back to reality.

"Ooh well it wasn't too bad... the worst thing about today was probably when you ran me over." I giggled. Wait... was I trying to flirt with Ash... I mentally facepalmed. This can't be good.

"Heh yea sorry about that." He chuckled scratching the back of his head.

"So Ash I was wondering.... what other pokemon do you have?" I asked hoping I wasn't being too pushy.

"Oh well it's a secret." He said smirking.

"Ooo a secret?" I said rolling my eyes.

"But if you really really want to see them I can show you instead of telling you about them." He whispered.

"Really? You're too kind! I said sarcastically

"Yea I know, I'm a kind person." He said smirking. Wait was Ash flirting back. I felt like my heart dropped into my stomach. He was..? Maybe he does like me.

"I got nothing to do today so if you want I can go to your place or you can go to mine." Was he asking me like a date? Or just a hang out I couldn't take this anymore.

"Uhhhmm well... sure, but Dawn is coming over to my house for like 2 hours so I can meet you over at you place if you want."

"Yea alright sounds like a plan." I'll give you my address. Wait... I don't got anything to write with..." Ash frowned.

"That alright here give me your phone I'll put my number in." I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.

"Huh oh yea sure..." His cheeks started to turn scarlet as he dug in his bag.

"Pika Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu was sitting on Ash's shoulder pointing at Ash's face. I felt like he was trying to tell me something. Did Ash have feelings for me or was he just embarrassed that I was giving him my number. I couldn't tell.

"Ahhh here it is." He took it out of his bag and gave it too me. I quickly put my contact information in, when suddenly the bus made a sharp right turn and I wasn't wearing a seat belt so I practically fell in Ash's lap. Immediately my face was hotter than a Magcargo. Which was no easy task considering their body heat is 18 thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Almost twice as hot as the sun. So yea you can image how embarrassing this was.

"Ummmm Serena..." He laughed. "When do you plan on getting up." I might have just taken a nap on his lap considering how long I was there. Nothing could make this worse.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" Gary busted out laughing. "Dont tell me you're already giving him he-" Misty slapped him across the face. Well I spoke too soon it did get worse. Kill me now.

"Mind your own damn business Gary before I make you mind your own business." Misty was yelling at him.

"Okay okay okay sheesh just trying to have a laugh here. Gary said in between breaths, he was dying of laughter, while I was dying of embarrassment.

Ash poked me.

"Serena you're still on my lap..." Ash sweat dropped. This was going way too far.

I got up. "I'm really really sorry Ash... I-I"

"Don't worry about it Serena. Its not your fault. He scratched the back of his head laughing.

I looked out the window and I saw my house. Finally.

"Well... this is my stop I'll text you later Ash." I grabbed Dawns hand and ran off the bus faster than a Ninjask on sugar rush. I ran into my house with Dawn and threw off my backpack, ran straight to my room and, jumped on my bed. Talk about embarrassing. I've never been in a more embarrassing moment in my life. I felt like dying.

Well there's another chapter with some awkward amourshipping I hope you enjoyed it. I did. And so did Gary. Gary is a savage...


How I felt after writing that ^

Poor Serena...

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