Training Begins

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I'm trying my best to pump out as many chapters as I can I've been enjoying writing, more than I thought I would so yea here we go.

Ash's POV

After I left my English class I said bye to Serena, but for some reason I didn't want to leave I enjoyed talking with her hmm, I shook it off and headed to biology... at least I think I was going there I looked at my schedule... oh yea... I sweat dropped it was all red tinted from the ketchup Pikachu spilt all over my backpack. I tried as best as I could to ready the room number but I couldn't see it. I remeber Serena saying that the classes are set up in wings so I just looked for the room that was identified with science and saw a sign that said Mr.McBride. So after about 4 minutes I finally found it, at least I wasn't going to be late.

I walked in and instantly regreted walking in because of all the people I could have seen it was Gary. I sweat dropped, Gary was the first to speak.

"Hey Ashy-boy how's it going I had a feeling I'd see you again before lunch." Gary was sitting down with a bunch of girls in cheerleading outfits I guess he wasn't lying he really does have a team of cheerleaders that follow him around. I scratched my head.

"Hey Gary." Pretty much all I could say at that point.

At that point Mr.McBride walked into the classroom introduced himself and told us we could sit where we wanted. I sat in the back but apparently Gary decided to sit by me and brought all the cheer leaders to our table, you see since it was a biology room we didn't have desks, only super long tables where we did labs etc.

After we sat down, Mr.McBride started to explain the class and after he explained the rules and expectation he went over what well be learning this year. I completely tuned him out. You see sciences and mathematics are my strong suits in my core subjects. I normally end up with a 100% or like a 97% but only if I refused to do the assignments I thought were pointless, mainly graded study guides etc.. I pretty much just answered everything with just pure brain power... if you'd call it that.

I never took notes, never did the study guides like I said, and did my own thing till we did labs, or did worksheet. I looked at the clock it's already been an hour and fifteen minutes of me just thinking about pokemon battles and food... I have lunch after this and then I have pokemon training now that was two things I were looking forward too.
You see I have a pretty good amount of pokemon but just to name a few of my hard hitters I have, obviously my best buddy Pikachu, Greninja, Infernape, Charizard, Sceptile, and a Gliscor. That would probably be my top 6 most powerful pokemon, though not in a specific order.

"Ashy-boy... HELLO!" Gary yelled.

"Yea what do you want Gary...?" I was still in another place.

"The bell rung you dingus come on let's go to lunch." Gary rolled his eyes, hearing that one word lunch instantly pulled me out of my day dream.

"Alright LUNCH!" I yelled. "Come on Gary let's go!"

"Hey Ashy-boy watch the merchandise, I don't want you getting me all dirty in front of all the ladies." He was referring the cheerleaders, but I didn't care I practically dragged him to lunch.

We met up with the other guys, Clemont, Cilan, Kenny, Drew, and Paul.

"Woah! Ash how did you get him to come down to lunch so early, it takes Gary forever to get down to lunch, he's always "talking with the ladies". So he's always late." Drew seemed suprised.

"Ah well you see... uhhh... I don't know he told me it was lunch and I dragged him here pretty much..." I sweat dropped.

"That's hard to believe." Cilan was a bit shocked. "Even if we tried Gary would never have let us drag him downstairs to the lunch room."

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