An Annoying Misunderstanding

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'Did he remember? ...'
'Was he disgusted with himself...?'

Was all Sasuke could think of for the remainder of Saturday. Sunday was spent the same way. Sasuke was nervous about going to work on Monday and he dare not text Naruto. He thought it would be best if he just went to work the next day like nothing happened, but could he manage that?

Yet it pained him. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to reach out to Naruto to tell him it was okay. Okay to feel this way about another male, okay to want more. For Sasuke at least, it was beginning to escalate to more than an office crush.

It was 12 am and Sasuke continued to lay in the sheets of his bed longing for the blonde against his body. His mind kept him up thinking about the possibilities of tomorrow. He dreaded it and yet at the same time he was excited to finally see Naruto again. Something must be wrong with him.

The raven then drifted to sleep while staring at the ceiling, the low drone of the fan serving as a comforting noise above him.


Naruto woke up to the sound of his alarm and got up sluggishly to turn it off. He then scrolled though his phone and soon after seeing Sasuke's contact in his messages his remembered something awful.

He didn't tell Sasuke why he left his house two days ago. It was an important - but boring -conference he had forgot about and thinking back to what took place that morning it must have seen like he left in a hurry. But realizing it was Monday, he figured he'd tell Sasuke at work. Naruto preferred confrontation over indirect messaging after all.

The blonde arrived to work and took the elevator up to the correct floor. He passed the lobby area and sat at his desk on his phone, reviewing his proposals and checking meeting schedules while casually spinning in his chair. He knew it would be a busy week and didn't notice the other male sitting in front of him, silently working.

Though, Sasuke noticed when Naruto took his seat across from him.

'Do I just try and talk to him now?' The raven furrowed his brows. 'He seems... normal...' Sasuke commented internally as he observed the fox switch on his monitor and begin typing.

For the next two hours, Sasuke continued to glance up at the blonde, hoping to steal a moment with him. Naruto never looked back at him though, he was either too busy or flat out ignoring him.

Suddenly Naruto made direct eye contact with Sasuke and the smaller male couldn't help but flinch.

"Say Sasu-"

"Oi Naruto," Shikamaru walked up seemingly out of nowhere. "I've got something for you."

The blonde let out a deep sigh and stood up from his desk, making his way over to the over male.

"What is it?"

Sasuke watched the built male get up from his desk to leave.

'Did he want to talk to me? But it didn't bother him enough to tell the other guy to wait a bit.' Sasuke then hung his head in defeat. 'It's over...'

"What's going on here?" The raven heard a familiar smooth but snakey voice.

'Oh geez.'

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