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Once Sasuke reached his house he slumped on his couch and sulked. Was there any other way to interpret what he had seen? Yes he had seen them kiss, but he was missing all of the context and dialogue.

'Should I confront Naruto?' Sasuke bit his fingernail. 'But directly confronting people isn't my thing. I'll probably just start crying from the nervousness alone...'

The raven let out a sigh as he glanced at his coffee table. He was looking at the note. At first Sasuke hesitated to grab it. To him, it was a menacing piece of paper. Sasuke then slowly reached out towards the note and folded it into his pocket. He would need to bring it with him to the bar if he wanted Sai to inspect it.

"And now we just try to relax until 7:30." He quickly texted Sai he would be there before leaning his head back on the couch and closing his eyes. "Easier said than done."


Naruto was sitting on his sofa when his phone suddenly rang.

"Tsunade?" He raised a brow as he picked it up. "Hello, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Naruto." Her voice sounded raspy "I need a favor from you."

"What do you need?" He responded casually.

"Naruto I want you at this upcoming business conference." He heard Tsunade cough. "I can't go, I've gotten sick and I want you to be there in place of me."

"What?!" Naruto sounded distinctly surprised. "You know I can't go to that, only you-"

"Let me just get to the point." Tsunade interrupted. "The people of this work place... they look up to you." She then took a deep breath. "I'm getting old and I want you to be the one who succeeds me- and that starts by establishing yourself as an entity at these conferences."

"Tsunade... I appreciate you saying this- I honestly do, but whose gonna look over stuff while I'm gone?" Naruto questioned, hoping he didn't give off a desperate tone. "Don't you think this is too sudden? And besides, I don't think you're going away anytime soon... You know?-"

"I'm not dying Naruto! I'm thinking about retiring!" She then retorted defiantly. "Besides I think you're ready... Shikamaru will take care of things while you're away. Kakashi will go as your assistant. With him there everything will go smoothly."

"Umm..." Naruto didn't even try to hide his displeasure. "Why do I need an assistant? I'll only be there for those five days... Can't Shizune come with me?"

"Shizune is taking care of things for me right now." Naruto then heard Tsunade typing through the call. "And don't you like Kakashi? I thought you two got along and worked well with each other..?"

"Well it's not that I don't him it's just..." The fox hesitated to answer as his mind flashed back to that morning. "Why does he have to come along? These months are the busiest for our sector and we need everyone on deck to manage the work."

"Don't worry about all that. I already told you Shikamaru will take care of things topside." The woman reassured him. "And the crowd would be more accepting of you if he's there. Kakashi has been to one of these before."

"Why can't he go himself then?" Naruto got up from his couch and headed to his kitchen. He didn't exactly want to be around Kakashi right now. But then he realized something. "He already said no, didn't he?" Naruto added through his teeth.

"He actually came to personally recommend you to me this afternoon." Tsunade replied.


'This afternoon? That's after the meeting I had with him. If he was upset about getting rejected then why would he recommend me?'

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