Honest Mistake

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"And you called me the alcoholic" Sai chuckled faintly.

"Shut up." Sasuke hiccuped as he waved his arms around drukenly.

"Haven't you had about enough?" Sai furrowed his brows as he reached for Sasuke's glass.

"Is the sky green?" The raven swatted Sai's hand away as he pulled the drink closer to him.

"No, but-"

"Exactly." Sasuke then gulped down the alcohol as the paler male rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

"Who-" Sasuke hiccuped again. "Who are you texting?" There was sudden unpleasant sensation in his stomach. "Hrgh-"

"You'll see. I texted him earlier." Sai then put his phone up. "He better open my message because you look-"

'Uh oh.'

Sai didn't have time to react as Sasuke kneed over and threw up on his pants.

"Y-You're kidding me! You're totally fucked-up!" Sai brought his arms up to support Sasuke as he went limp. Sai then quickly motioned the bar tender over and scrambled to pay the tab as he dragged drunk Sasuke to the bathroom. "Tell that blonde guy that comes in- At least help me by standing properly!- that we are in the bathroom." Sai struggled to get Sasuke through the door as he held it open for himself.

Once inside he draped the drunker male over the sink and frantically grabbed as many paper towels as he could in an attempt to wipe the throw-up off. "Gross- it's still warm!" Sai hissed and then gagged while undoing his belt to better clean himself.

"Sai~~" Sasuke stood up from the sink crying. "I'm so ssorry I threw u-up." He hiccuped. "On your pants."

"It's okay- Hey don't try and stand just stay there-" Sai shooed Sasuke away as he continued to brush the barf off. "Seriously Sasuke it looks like you might do it again so don't come any closer!"

"But Sai- It's my fault and I want to help." Sai felt his soul leave his body as he watched Sasuke wobble closer.

"No. Oi- Sasuke I'm begging you! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER-" Sai found himself screaming as his fight-or-flight response activated. But it wasn't much use. Sasuke was so out of it and he continued to corner the other male.

Sasuke couldn't control his steps. 'It's okay Sai, I will help-' The raven then tripped over himself and yanked Sai's loosened pants down, leaving him in his underwear against the wall as Sasuke's face was pressed against his groin.


"This is the place right?" Naruto quickly got out of his car as he eyed the bar. "Now I just gotta find Sai." The blonde had already been in the area so he was able to quickly pull over.

Naruto was a bit surprised Sai had texted him, let alone to ask him to pick up Sasuke. 'How much does that sly bastard know?' Naruto gritted his teeth as he swung the door open, waiting to see a scene.

Yet to his disappointment and relief, the bar had a relatively calm atmosphere apart from the commotion he himself had just caused by throwing the door open. The bar tender at the counter then motioned him to the bathroom. Naruto gave the guy a silent nod as thanks and headed to the door.

There was a bit of commotion coming from inside the bathroom and when Naruto opened the door he was not prepared for what he saw.

"What the hell!?-"


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