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"Well uh, I'll be going now." She then stood up awkwardly from the round table, causing it to wobble slightly. As soon as Hinata reached the door she looked back at the male. "Oh and I would read that note by the way, they said it was urgent." She then promptly left the cafe.

Sasuke knitted his brows in skepticism. The male could have sworn he saw her glare at him as she exited.

"Important..." He then pulled out the crumpled piece of paper and began to unravel it. "What could possibly be-"

- Naruto doesn't like you, Sasuke. It won't be long till he's bored of you. When that happens, I'll take him off your hands...-

That was his insecurity.

"What the hell is this??"
"Who wrote this?"
"How did they find out about us?"
"How much do they know..?"

All of these questions and more immediately popped into Sasuke's head. He knew he had to meet Naruto now, to make sure he wasn't bored.

So here he was, about to cry on top of him.

"A-Are you bored of me..?" Tears began forming in his onyx eyes.

"W-What?" Naruto opened his mouth to protest. "No I-"

"Then why did you stop me?" The smaller male leaned off and guestulated in distress. "Do you not want me?"

"Sasuke listen-"

"Naruto I- I... I want you!!" Sasuke sobbed harder with this declaration, his words getting less coherent as his feelings consumed him. "So why..?" The male's then face reddened with shame and embarrassment as he sniffled.

Naruto didn't answer, he merely stared back with an unreadable expression.

'I-It can't be-.' The raven's heart sank. 'It can't...'

"Sasuke I want you but," Naruto grabbed a hold of Sasuke's wrist and flipped their positions. The fox was now directly above, caging the smaller male in between his arms. His hair fell around his defined face to form a golden halo, ruffled by the way Sasuke ran his hands through it earlier.

"I want more than this."

"More?" Sasuke's eyes widened slightly.

"We've been seeing each other for more than two months but I want more than just sex from you... I think I'm... uh..." The blush picked up on his tan cheeks. "What i'm trying to say is- Shit, well."

"..." Sasuke let the tears he was holding slide down his cheeks. Was he dreaming? Was Naruto trying to-

"I think I'm in love with you, Sasuke." Naruto confessed. "I've dated others in my past but none have made me feel they way you do. You're special. I get worried about you when I can't see you and long to be next to you. Whenever you turn to look at me my chest hurts. You're always on my mind." Naruto then smiled warmly at Sasuke as he wiped away the smaller male's tears.

"Naruto..." The raven's heart fluttered at Naruto's words. He felt immense relief and there was a warm feeling in his chest that overtook him. "Are you being... serious?" Sasuke sniffled softly.

"What reason do I have to lie? I'm being serious, Sasuke." Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Do you remember what I said back at the pavilion?"

"It's you I want Sasuke.

I love you."

"I like... You t-too..." Sasuke glanced away from the muscular male in embarrassment, his face surely red from crying. There was no way he could top how Naruto had just confessed to him.

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