A Night to Forget

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Sasuke pulled up to his house and sighed. He looked over at Naruto who had immediately passed out when he began driving.

'I can't just leave him in my car...
Can I?'

"No..." Sasuke then got out of his car and went to unlock his door. This would make it easier for him to lug the heavier male inside. He then quickly walked back to his car and opened the door on the side Naruto was on.

The blonde mumbled something but Sasuke didn't catch it. He seemed to be waking up.

"Come on big guy-" Sasuke pulled on Naruto's notably muscular arm and managed to throw it around his shoulder. Naruto was wobbling side to side and murmuring drunkenly. "What a pain..."

As Sasuke was half way up the stairs he noticed the weight on his shoulders had become considerably lighter. Naruto had mostly woken up at this point and was supporting himself. He still was drunk and the red hue on his tan cheeks hadn't faded.

"Thanks pal..." He said sluggishly.

"Let's just get inside." Sasuke opened the door for his coworker. "And let's hope that your hangover isn't bad when you wake up tomorrow..." 

"... Fuck I must be really drunk..." Naruto eyed Sasuke as he stepped inside and paused further in Sasuke's living room. It was a nice place. Sasuke had furnished it with a minimalistic taste and grey tones.

"Say Sasuke..." Naruto didn't look back while running his hand lightly along the couch arm. "Have you ever been... curious?"

"Curious?" Sasuke raised a brow as he locked his front door. "About what?"

"Well it's just..." As Naruto turned to face him the dying evening light reflected off his damp blonde hair.  The tanner male then put a hand over his mouth and let out an almost sinister but drunken laugh. "I kinda wanna fuck you right now."

Sasuke's face immediately flushed red. 'What?!'

"N-Now hold on-" He grasped his own shoulders in a defensive manner.

"Haha I'm just joking..." The fox walked back towards Sasuke. "Did I excite you?" Naruto then placed his hand on the wall besides Sasuke's face, trapping him between his toned body and the door.

"U-Um..." Sasuke looked away from the blonde's seductive expression.

"Come on cutie look me in the eyes." Naruto then gently grabbed Sasuke's chin and turned his head to look up at him.

Naruto leaned his face in and grinned. "You're blushing..." He then ran his other hand slowly down Sasuke's left side.

Sasuke shivered under his touch.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his eyes widened. The raven had feelings of excitement coursing through him. 'Was this really about to happen?'

But he was also very nervous. Naruto was very drunk and unaware of what he was doing- seemingly. It didn't feel right to him, even if he found the blonde extremely attractive.

"Naruto... Stop." He squeaked out.

"That doesn't sound too convincing." Naruto continued to tease as he pinned Sasuke to the wall. He wanted to have his way with the squirming male, and the way Sasuke was blushing madly only fulled his desire.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll show you a good time." He proceed to lick the side of Sasuke's face.

"Oi- Ngh!" Sasuke moaned when Naruto bit down on his skin, leaving his mark. But Sasuke didn't want him to stop, he was enjoying himself. He wanted to ignore this lingering feeling of guilt.

"You like that?" Naruto gave a wide grin.

"Come on Naruto, you're just using me to cope with your breakup." The raven managed to get out. Sasuke was getting hard and he hoped Naruto wouldn't notice.

Suddenly, the raven then felt his knees buckle when they hit the edge of the couch. 'When did he-'

Naruto pushed him down and let out a slow breath. He was hovering over Sasuke with his hands caging him in. The blonde then smoothly ran his hands up Sasuke and pulled his shirt off.

"God you feel so good." Naruto let out a hot breath. "And cope?" The male continued. "She was boring, I didn't want to be in that relationship anymore. What I do know is I want you at this moment." Naruto then took off his own shirt, reveling his tasteful abs and began untying his swim trunks

"I wanted to get drunk so I could fuck you."

Sasuke threw his head back in fumes to prevent his nose from bleeding. It was too much for him... Naruto was just too hot.

"Do you want me too?"

"U-Uh..." Sasuke sat up straight. Naruto was still shirtless in front of him and his blue trunks were dangerously low on his hips. "Well y-you..."

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