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"You going to Ino's pool party?" Sasuke heard voices approaching from behind his desk.

"Yeah I'm bring my girl through."

That was Naruto. He recognized his voice.

'Girl...' Sasuke frowned. The raven now felt a bit depressed but also wanted to know who this 'girl' was.

"Haha okay. But hey why not invite the new guy? Ino said she wants people there."

"That's not a bad idea, I'll see if he's up to it. Talk to you later."

'I can't believe I was about to let myself completely fall for him...' Sasuke let out a sigh of defeat. 'Besides, he's got a girlf-'

"Sasuke." The male almost jumped. There was a firm grip on his shoulder. He looked up to see Naruto standing over him. Sasuke's head was at the blonde's waist level and the raven couldn't help the blush that appeared over his pale skin.

"What's up?" Sasuke managed to squeak out as he looked into those captivating crystal blue eyes.

"Hey, uh..." The blonde rubbed the back of his neck before making eye contact.

"Bend over for me."

Sasuke felt himself shiver. 'Did I hear him right?!'

"Uh, what..?"

"I dropped my pen dude, not soap." Naruto laughed.

"Haha yeah..." The other male chuckled nervously before reaching down to the floor to pick up this... pen.


"Thanks man." Naruto gave Sasuke a smile before patting his shoulder.

"N-No problem." The other male looked away shyly.

'Man this guy has got the cute look in the bag!' Naruto thought as he took his seat across from him. 'I definitely want him in my circle.'

'Wait did I just call another man cute?' Naruto then blinked owlishly before shrugging. 'Whatever.'

"Oi Sasuke." Naruto called out.


"What are you doing this weekend?"

"Well... nothing, I think. Why?"

"Come to a pool party then pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?" Sasuke raised a brow.

"Yeah you are a pretty boy, so yes or no?" Sasuke gave the blonde a hesitant look. "Come on, it'll be great! You'll get a chance to meet with other people who work here."

'But I don't wanna meet other people...' the raven thought.

"Come on dude pleasseee-"

"Okay, okay." Sasuke let out a huff of annoyance. He didn't want to watch Naruto beg.

... Okay maybe he did, but no.

"Awesome.- Let me get your number so I can text you the deats." The other male fumbled through his pockets to pull out his phone.

"Of course." Sasuke was a bit suprised at the sudden request but was more than happy to oblige and give this man his number. "Here." He held his own phone in front of him.

"Thanks. Feel free to text me if you have any other questions too." The blonde slid his phone back in his pocket. "I am your senpai after all." Naruto added with a wink.

"Hah, okay." Sasuke responded with a chuckle.

'Senpai?! What is this? Anime?'

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Naruto then started digging through his pockets once more before pulling out a thin card. "I ran into Shizune, she told me to give this to you."

The male stood up and leaned over his desk while stretching out his toned arm. The fabric on his button-up creasing on top of his muscle.

"Your parking permit."

"Right." Sasuke reached over his own desk and took the card, their fingers brushing lightly.

'I'm literally gonna die if I see him with a shirt off.' His heartbeat raced for a little as his eyes remained on the fitter male, whose own eyes were back on his desk.

'But I'm okay with that.'

Sasuke then looked back down to his own work and ran his hand through his dark silky hair.

'I wonder how long I can get away with staring at him...' The darker-haired male then sat back down to his own seat and played around with the pencil on his desk, spinning it between his pale fingers.

But for the rest of the working day Sasuke kept getting distracted. His eyes would betray him and always seem to find their way back to Naruto.

"Gosh darn." Sasuke's eyes darted away when Naruto looked up at him. "Well i'm about done for the day so i'm gonna dip. Just text me if you have any questions, alright?" The blonde then started to pack up his things and stood up from his desk.

"Yeah, will do." Sasuke have the other male a small smile before waving him goodbye.

'What am I going to do?'

Foxy ( Naruto X Sasuke )Where stories live. Discover now