A Moment

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The grip on Sasuke's wrist tightened as Naruto tugged him towards the parking garage. Unbeknownst to them Sai had observed this and was heading down to the same place from the lobby elevator. But something must have been watching over them that day because Sai reached the garage before them and left promptly.

"I don't know about you but I can't wait." The fox said without looking back.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked even though he knew just what Naruto was suggesting. He merely wanted an auditory confirmation.

"Oh come on..." The blonde gave a glance back. "Let's just get to my car."

Sasuke was anxious. Naruto wasn't drunk and they literally had just made-out. And most surprisingly, Naruto was currently leading him away to the parking garage so they could have 'a moment'.

They walked into the spacious garage and went further in to a corner where the blonde's car was parked. Naruto whipped out his keys and unlocked his car. (I couldn't decide what flex I wanted him to have so just imagine whatever high-end car you want)

"Sweet ride." The raven whispered as Naruto flashed him a wide grin. He then opened the door to his car and moved the front seat back before sitting on it himself.

"Get in." Naruto then gestured for Sasuke to sit on his lap. The smaller male complied willingly. He straddled the buff male as he closed the car door. Naruto was internally relieved his windows were tinted dark, it would be impossible for someone else to see them unless they came right up to the car.

Pure blue eyes locked with onyx ones as the fox cupped Sasuke's cheek.

"God, you're so pretty." Naruto looked up at him while he snaked his other hand around to grab Sasuke's ass. The raven let out a small mewl as he felt their growing erections rub against each other with the slight shift.

"I think you're the pretty one..." Sasuke replied coquettishly.

Sasuke was so desperate for Naruto. His heart was pounding in his chest. But that didn't matter, Naruto would take him all the same. There was something about Naruto that make Sasuke melt into his rough touch. He felt the need to be dominated by him over and over again.

And Naruto would do so happily.

Naruto tugged at the zipper on Sauske's pants before slowly pulling it down. He lightly rubbed Sasuke through the fabric of his underwear while maintaining a passionate eye contact with the smaller male.

"Hah..." Naruto sported a wide grin as he then withdrew his hand to playfully lick it, covering his palm in saliva. The fox was happy with the sight above him but Sasuke was tense. "Relax sweetheart... You can trust yourself to me."


Sasuke felt himself relax a bit more with Naruto's words. This was everything the raven ever wanted and more. Naruto was so fine. Just a week ago Sasuke thought it would never be more than an office crush. But here they were, all over each other. This man could run Sasuke over with this sweet ride of his and he would thank him.

Naruto pulled Sasuke's underwear down a bit a to get at his throbbing cock. He wrapped his hand around it and started pumping. Naruto's firm grasp along with the slight wetness of his hand coaxed some soft moans out of Sasuke. The raven held one eye shut as the blush began to lace his pale face.

They way Sasuke's shallow breath mixed with moans hit Naruto's ear sent sensations up his spine and to his own memeber.

"Yeah, you like that?" Naruto whispered huskily as he traced his teeth on the side of Sasuke's neck.

"Mmhm." Sasuke managed to mumble out.

Being flush against Naruto while sitting on top of him made it easy for the blonde to mark Sasuke. He didn't hesitate to kiss and bite at the other male's upper shoulder.

During this Naruto somehow managed to take off Sasuke's pants and left his underwear hanging on his foot. Both of their shirts were unbuttoned.

Naruto took a moment to unzip his own pants and took out his cock underneath Sasuke.

"Do it the way you like it, please." Sasuke gave Naruto a look of intent and positioned himself over the blonde's length. With a small nod from the fox he then slowly lowered himself onto it as Naruto let out a deep moan.

Sasuke's thoughts were fuzzy, it felt so good inside of him. He remembered that past Friday when his face was pressed against the couch while Naruto pounded into him. God it was so hot.

The built male began thrusting into him and Sasuke rolled his hips to mach Naruto's rough rhythm. They were completely in sync.

"Say my name." Naruto groped the raven's ass again. Sasuke was sure he had a scandalous expression and was slightly embarrassed, but does that matter in this situation?

"N-Naruto." He heaved in response. Sasuke didn't know how he managed to get that out of his mouth with Naruto jerking him off aggressively and thrusting into him at the same time. The pain was overrun with ecstasy and lust as Naruto kissed him fiercely and mercilessly hit the smaller male's sweet spot.

"God you're so tight." Naruto panted heavily, his hot breath hitting Sasuke's neck. 

They fucked in this position until they both came.

Naruto's breathing slowed as he reclined the seat back so they could lay on each other.

They stayed on top of each other for a few minutes as things cooled down. Naruto ran his fingers through Sasuke's dark silky hair as the smaller male purred happily.

"I wish I never met you..." Naruto held the raven in a warm embrace. "There no way i'll feel the same about anyone else ever again, I just know."

"You feel so right."

Sasuke couldn't believe what had just happened. Naruto fucked him, and good at that. He must have remembered more about their previous encounter than he was admitting. The raven didn't care though. This felt like it was something out of a movie to him - the new transfer employee has hot sex with his boss. But it was actually happening... and Sasuke felt so lucky.


About three months passed in the office after this moment. Naruto was actually promoted to take Gaara's position. Apparently Gaara was caught embezzling money and Naruto got his own separate office and a higher salary after the red-head was removed because of it. Although Sasuke was a bit disgruntled about not being able to look across his desk to see his partner, Naruto compensated by calling him into his private office.

"Sasuke." Naruto came around the corner calmly. "You have a moment?"

That quickly became their thing. Asking if the other had 'a moment' was the code they used when they wanted to see each other. They didn't do it often and mostly saw one another outside of work but occasionally Naruto liked to be scandalous.

"I have a big proposition for your numbers, it can't wait."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms playfully.

"It can't?" He leaned back in his seat and titled his head back to the right, exposing his neck. A submissive gesture.

"It can't." Naruto licked his bottom lip. "You temp me too much."

"You don't need to say anything else." Sasuke got up from his desk and followed the blonde to this respective office. Once they were inside, Naruto locked the door and pulled on Sasuke's tie to bring him forward.

"I wanna see that pretty mouth of yours suck me off." Naruto grinned.

Sasuke never could help the blush on his cheeks when the most attractive man he knew said something suggestive.

"I love the face you always make for me." The blonde gave a deep chuckle. "Now," He walked over to his corporate desk and sat on his leather chair. "Come get it." Naruto slowly unzipped his pants and gestured for Sasuke to make his way over.

Sasuke furrowed his brows lasciviously as he felt his mouth water. God how Naruto made him feel, he cursed him for it.

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