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"Puddin'? Is that you? Mistah J? Are you here?"

"I'm right here Harley"

"Mistah J! I knew you'd come back for me! You still care about me! You still love me, o' corse ya do! Your the joker an' I'm your Harley"

"Jokah? Where are ya? MISTAH J? What did I do? Where are ya? Why'd ya leave me puddin'? Not again jokah... Please not again. No. Jokaaaaa-"

Harley was jolted awake. "Oh... My puddin' was never there was he... But he never did leave me did e? E neva left me! He could still come, isn't that right." She began shaking. The cell floors were cold and wet, and she wouldn't sleep in the padded bed, not since it was the very same that the joker had slept in before. "Oi? You with the black hat! You know, mistah J, he would come for me, he really would, dontya know! But your scarin' him. Poor puddin' doesn't like you black caps gaurding round me. E'd a come and gone a dozen times if I were left alone. I'm not just his side mate, I'm 'is lovah! Ahhh mistah J loves me. An' I love 'im, it's love. You not gonna speak then? I guess you can't. You gotta gaurd. Well I gotta rest. Wait for mistah J. Toodle poo!"

Harley then proceeded to stretch out onto the floor.

"Ya know, you can speak ta me, I won't tell no-one, apart from mistah Jay" Harley then proceeded to laugh, it started of quiet then got much louder and louder until the guard banged on the cell for her to stop.
"Not much of a giggla' are ya? That's okay, I wasn't either until my puddin' threw me intu that acid bath, but I'd do it again! Ya kno if mista J hadn'ta thrown me in would I be ere? O corse not! I'd be in some dull apartment, wi' some dull neighbors, wi' some dull husband. Didn't e help me? Didn't 'e make my life bettah? Didn't e? I kno you agree, ya agree o corse ya do! Mista J woulda liked you... E woulda... I miss my puddin'..." And with that Harley proceded to fall asleep. And dreamed yet again-

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