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"Ah 'e was so sweet! I knew it'd work out between us instantly! Dya remembah when I was first onta the news! My big ol face and the words, Dr H Quinzel, on the run with the joker, although we don't know the where abouts we know she's wearing a jester suit, has remarkably pale skin and possibly red and black hair. Aw I was adorable back then, but a girl gotta have more clothin' options! Stacked my wardrobe full o' everything red an' black. O corse Mistah J took me shoppin' my jokah, so kind. You 'ave anyone like that in your life?"
Harley stretched her arm out from the cage. The gaurd turned to look at her then stared straight ahead again.
She let out a cackle then stroked the cage bars.
"I know you do! Butya secret safe wi me mistah! I won't tell no one! Except mistah J... Ya see, you gotta tell the one you love everything! That's how you kno you love em! Mistah J told me every thing. But I'm not tellin' no one! I promised Mistah J! I promised my puddin' a long time ago!"

"He's dead!" He gaurd yelled.

Harley blinked and backed away from the bars.
"Who is?"

"Your Mr J, the joker! He's dead Harley!"

"No, no no no no no no no... He doesn't die, my puddin' doesn't die, he's imortle probably, the joke doesn't die, he's the jokah!" Harley collapsed on the floor laughing.

"Harley, don't you remember how you got here?"

"I was dancing! Dancin' with my puddin' then you took me away and then I lost my puddin' cos my puddin- he's not- puddin... Mistah J loves- he loves- he loved- he loves- he loves- he's the jokah, haha, get it? He tells jokes!" Harley proceded to laugh even more.
She glanced up at the gaurd one more time, he seemed to have moved position.
Harley sighed, stood, and clutched the bars again.
"I guess you weren't real either, maybe I like that you don't talk?"

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