The Bat

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"Ow she's gone, ha, I knew she would, I don't see her much, do I? I wish I nevah see her, but I do, she's the worse part of me! Now where's my breakfast! I want a plateful o sammiches! Oh an' burgers! O... Itsa novah one a ese things, well I gotta eat it, 'ere goes... Akkk it's horrible! You try it! No... Okay well I wouldn't eithah but I gotta. I gotta eat. Okay 'ere goes, I'm not ready fa this... Ah who am I kiddin' the only puddin' I want is my puddin... An my puddin' isn't 'ere. Where is 'e? I don't know, but none ah you better have him locked away in some old cage! Like mine I guess, puddin' wouldn't like that" Harley raised one hand upwards to the ceiling, there was no light source so no light would hit her hand. She dropped it, then grabbed the cage bars by the gaurd and stared straight at him.
"Ya know gaurd, I'd like to think one day me an' mistah J could have a baby or 5! One with red and black hair and a red and black play suit, she's gonna scare all the other babies away, and one with grass green hair and green eyes and a beautful red smile! Mistah J loves a smile. It's a shame, it's always so sad when B man takes his smile away from him... Oh well 'ere 'e is now! Whatya got to say for yourself!"

"Miss Quinn, you need to stop this obsession with the Joker"

"As if you don't have one, always chasin' my mistah J! An' you think I'm bad!"

"Miss Quinn, he doesn't love you! He's only using you! Stop these games and you can just go home! To a bed!"

"Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! Mista J loves me! He loves me! He does he does does! Well you shut up! You can shut up! I remember, I remember how he loved me even before I started dressin' like this! 'E saw somethin in me! He helped me! And I'm happy he did! He fixed me! Ah I remember him so well..."

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