Day on the job

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"Dr Quinzel! Dr Quinzel! Wake up!" Dr Serano called. I pulled the hair out my eyes, I had been doing so much research on the latest resident I guess I forgot to sleep. As I lifted my head I saw her frowning expression glaring down on me. I quickly gathered my notes together. "I'm sorry Dr Serano... I've been up all night" I sighed. "Well you better get some coffee, you need to be alert for your next patient!" She barked walking down to the coffee machine. "I will, I'm sorry, who is it?" I asked. "Didn't you get the email? Of corse not, seems something about you makes our patient want to speak with you, it's weird, he only got here a week ago, never before has he been so eager to speak to someone... Refuses all help usually... I guess he must have heard all about your research, maybe he thinks you can help. Deep down of corse, you know, I think you can help him" Dr Serano then dropped to coffee down on my desk and opened the door. "But remember, Dr Quinzel, I want all your notes in to me after every fortnight okay?" She then slammed the door behind her. I grabbed my coffee. I then began to think, she never said who it was, but I already knew, he was the only one whom had paid any interest in me since I arrived, I didn't want to tell her, but I'd been given a flower from him last night, I had put a lot of effort into his notes after that, maybe he liked me, he was someone I was highly interested in, why was he insane? What caused it? Could I help? Could I help the infamous batman? But even better, could I help the Joker?

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