Swat team

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"Is this real?"
"Am I here?"
"Where's Mr J?"
"O, o corse I'm here still, I thought I'd, I remembered Mr- oh it doesnt mattah does it? Not anymore, it's almost night would ya think? I bettah get some sleep I guess. Anyone o ya wanna come in? No? Okay, it's alright. I wouldn' either. I love Mr J an all but I guess i wish he'd b fastah. I'm not pointing out flaws but- mistah J, I wish he could take a little more time out 'is day for me, I remember when he'd lock me up in a closet, hours he left me! But I still came back to him with an apple pie! Puddin's favourite! O' corse he didn't eat it... But it's okay! I don't mind. He tried to kill me too! Stabbed Ivy though, 'e must've known it wasn't me, he'd nevah kill me. But- no it doesn't mattah! Doesn't it? Does it? Does he..? Mistah G tell me this. Does the jokah- does he love m-"
Before Harley could finish a swat team stormed into the cells knocking every gaurd down.
The joker ripped off his helmet.
"I- I knew you loved me puddin' I waited so long!"
"Comon Harley, let's get out of here"
Harley chuckled.
"Let's go fishin'"

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