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"Hello? Hello? Mistah Gaurd? Oh itsa different one a ya... I guess it's mornin' right? Well I wanted to tell you summin, since you're here, I ad such a horrible dream, ya wanna come in ere an gimme a hug? No? You're no fun. Mistah J woulda joined me. You gonna love 'im when you meet 'im. I can't wait til you all meet 'im! I'll tell 'im to go easy on you. E'll listen! I promise! Mistah J loves 'is Harlequin, I'm 'is lil Jestah. How romantic, donchya think?" After a long silence Harley groaned and rolled over.
"Ya know, I see 'im sometimes, 'e always comes around now, 'e tells me 'e's gonna b 'ere soon. Dya believe it? O corse I do... 'Ere he is! It's my mistah Jay!"

"Harley dear..."

"Jokah! I miss ya every day!"

"And of corse, I miss you, I will see you very soon, and we can be together"

"Ah see, that's what I told ya! He's always here, watchin me. Whata gentleman. Mista J, I love ya puddin' please don't be long"

"Goodbye Harley, I have to go now dontya be waitin long now honey."

Harley slumped back down onto the floor, lying almost completely still when suddenly her body lifted as she let out hurls of laughter. This filled the air around her and lasted a good 5 minutes. After she stopped, she leaped up and grabbed the bars, staring directly at the gaurd.
"He's so funny my puddin', always knows how to make me smile. Say, have you evah been in love? Cos I have, I'm always inlove, it's a beautiful thing, that's how I know he's coming back for me! Oh he's gonna burst down ese doors, mistah J sure loves an entrance, I guess he's just like the Bat in that way. Unless... Is mistah J with the bat? Is that what's takin' him so long? Mistah J! No! He loves me! He's my puddin' and not no one else's! That B man won't keep him from me, that must be it, B mans already got him, tied up somewhere I bet, well he can't have him! I demand to see him! I want mistah J!"

Harley began banging on the cage bars while the gaurd started aiming his gun and her. In truth, he didn't want to shoot the girl, she may be crazy, but she needed a padded cell, not this cage, he did concider getting her out, taking her to Arkham Asylum, but he knew if his request wasn't throughly checked out and accepted there wasn't anything that stopped Amanda from blowing Harley's brains out, and besides, he couldn't handle a repeat of what happened to Lime. Thankfully Harley calmed down and rested against the wall.

"I'm goin' ta tell you a story misah gaurd! A love story, all about me, and mista J, I can see him now, I'm still there... Oh mistah J" Harley then spaced out completely, she did this regularly, another reason the gaurd only wanted Harley to get real medical help, 'Can't be good for the girl' he thought to himself. Poor girl.

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