Gone fishin'

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Mr J was back in his cell the next day, he may have been badly beaten but he was well enough to return. I clenched my fist as I thought about the bat hurting my joker. I grabbed my notebook:

•That bat hurt my Mr J!
•He's not the monster we think he is!
•He's my joker nobody should hurt him
•Why don't people understand he should be free?
•He's not crazy

I slammed my notebook on my desk and ran out. A doctor called out to me but I ignored it and sprinted home.

I waited

It was midnight.

I ran down to the asylum again just to see Mr J. How was he? Was he alright? I had to see him one more time.

I ran into his room.
"Mr J?"
There he was, hand cuffed in the corner of his cell.
"Mr J? Are you okay what happened?"
He grinned a little.
"I'd like to thank you for your little gift Harley, I'd like to think our relationship has surpassed that of a patient and a doctor am I right?"
"Ye-" I paused. What was I thinking, he was still a patient right? But then again, thinking about everything I remembered the Bat! And then thought about all Mr J had told me, he was no patient, he deserved so much more.
"Harley?" He asked
"Good, I agree, you and me, we're partners in crime, Harley and the joker! Has a great ring to it dontya think?"
"I love it Mr J..."
"I'd like to think one day, if I got out, we could go off together, stay together" He leaned closer towards me.
"I'd like to think, you and I, we could, live together, partners in crime if you will, what do ya say?"


The next morning I sprinted into work, I had my hair done up beautifully for my joker. I sprinted into my office. Dr Serano was already there.

"Dr Serano?"
"What are these notes Dr Quinzel!"
I gulped as I saw my notes from yesterday scrunched on the table, I calmly walked down to my desk and sat down.
"They're just something wrough. I never intended for you to read them-"
"YOU CANNOT- YOU- YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON THE JOKER!" She knocked all my notes off the table.
"It's not like that- there's more to him than- than"
I glanced down at my notes on the floor
"Those- my notes- those are my notes on- a book, you're writing a book using-"
"All research conducted by any member of staff is considered"
I then had finally snapped. I realised what she had been doing, why my work was so important to her.
I knocked her into a mirror
"You... You work me day and night, mock my methods then steal my research..? You need help Doctor"
I grabbed a bloody piece of broken glass.
"And I've got all the therapy you need right here"
I lifted the glass, not listening to her gasping. One of the gaurds must have heard since he stormed in just as I was about to strike.
I dropped the glass
"Dr Serano! Dr Quinzel! I heard a noise!"
He ran straight to Dr Serano to check on her, she appeared to be crying. I slowly backed out the room so quietly he wouldn't notice.
I sprinted down to Mr J's room.
"This better be important!" He called out.
"I'm having my me time!"
He looked up and saw me, a little blood splattered on my shirt from Dr Serano.
"I didn't- something happened" I smiled at him.
"Of corse it did, I told you, you're special"
He got up
"Care for a walk" he giggled, holding out his hand.
"Very much so" I replied wrapping my hand around his.

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