Acid bath

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We began running, I didn't care where, anywhere was better than the asylum, but as we ran, I began to stumble. What if I'd hurt Dr Serano, I didn't mean to, what if I'd, no no no no. I'd not. But- No! But what if I'd killed Dr Serano. My body began screaming, crying, but running, but had I hurt her, had I hurt Dr Serano. Had I? We began to walk. I glanced up.
"Wh-where are we..?" I stuttered.
"*where* isn't as important as *when* and it's your birthday" the joker chuckled, I began to worry, he didn't seem to care about any of this, I began to this, I really was with a killer. I began panicking.
"My birthday isn't til-"
"Not Harleen Quinzel's birthday, your new birthday" he laughed again. I began to feel a little more uneasy, and the voices, the voices were screaming. They were screaming a name, 'Serano'. I kill- I kill- I killed her.
"I don't understand! We- we hurt people back at Arkham, maybe we should--"
"No-- no no second thoughts!" He looked me dead in the eye.
"This is a special place for me, it's were I was born. What happened here... fixed me, and it can fix you too" both his hands were on my shoulders. I'm with a psychopath, a killer, we've, I've killed people, I'm with the joker, he's not Mr J, he's the joker, Gothams biggest killer, he kills people, I kill people, what would momma say? What. Will. I'm. My brothers. Why am I? I'm a MURDERER. KILLER. MURDERER. THE JOKER. HE KILLS. I KILL. SHES DEAD. MOMMA.
"I want to go home"
The joker began laughing, laughing like a maniac. And then-
"How about a quick dip first"
I fell. I was falling. Straight into the acid.
"He-lp" I tried to say before I sank down. The chemicals burned my skin, my face felt like it was melting, I couldn't breathe, help me. I couldn't-
And then nothing.
I saw light.
"I don't- is this real" I looked upward at the green-
"Nope, and that's why you're allowed to do whatever you like Harley!"
"Harley? I like that" I reached out and grabbed his hand.
"Yeah I thought it had a certain je me sais quoi to it"
"It does. C'mere puddin'"

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