Red Hood and Mr J

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Me and the Joker just talked, only for about an hour, we had much in common, in school he would often blag his way through, just like me. It actually did occur to me that it was strange how the joker had been a real medical mystery on how to solve his brain but- it all seemed so simple, straight from a psychology text book, my notes were entirely straight forward and I managed to draw up some solutions.

•Childhood abuse
• Wants to please father
• Could be solved by-
•introduction of a companion?
•Father figure?

•Could batman represent the father?

I was exited to share these notes with Dr Serano, maybe I could write my own book too? The Joker: How Dr Quinzel turned Gothams most dangerous criminal into a perfectly normal? No normal sounds odd... Sane? I decided I would have to work on the title... But I had a feeling I might make a breakthrough. And I looked forward to the next session.

"Dr Quinzel? Ah you're actually awake for once! You ready? The joker will see you now" Dr Serano said with a frown. I cannot make her happy. I however, was feeling a little more exited, I skipped down to his room.
"Mr J?" I called out, there he was, sat in the centre of the room.
"Harley! Great to see you again! It was nice seeing you, especially after last nights session! Any more work?"
I tucked my hair behind my ear before quickly grabbing my notebook.
"Ah yes, Mr Jo- Mr J, I- I'd like to ask about batman- would you be okay talking to me about batman?" I asked, I didn't want to scare him, I was walking on thin ice, I was scared he might stop talking to me, so I was nervous.
"The bat? You want to know about the bat? Sure, alright. I suppose we start with that night don't we? I was forced into this red suit with a red helmet, I was helping the gang rob a chemical plant, of corse I only did it for the money... I lived in such a horrible home, rats ran over my eyes as I slept, I couldn't even afford a bed... So I slept with everything on the floor... Oh it was awful! I can't expect a pretty thing like you to understand the pain, usually, I feel as if you understand everything Harley. Dontya?"

I paused from writing.

"I- I do" I replied

"You're smart, I like ya. Alright, well as I was entering, I noticed something, see I used to work at the card factory next door. So I kinda new my way around the place but then... Then ya see the thing is it's changed since I was there last. And there was a gaurd! Right at the very front where we were! He saw my red hood and bam! Fired the first bullet! Bounced off my helmet and hit one of the guys. Me and the second ran! Of corse, he had less protection than me, shot again bam! It was just me then- then- there was the bat! I stood, cornered! The bat edging me closer to the chemicals bellow, I was so affraid, so I jumped! And then- this..."
I was so transfixed I'd forgotten to write, how could that even happen? I didn't know.
With a gulp of breath I proceded to speak.
"Thank you Mr J... If you could give me a moment to write this up and I will see you for our next appointment"

"And will that be later tonight?"

"Perhaps... Goodbye Mr J" I said, smiling a little.

"Goodbye Harley! I'll miss you!" He called out. I smiled one last time before closing the door on him.

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