Mr J

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"I was oldest with 3 brothers"

"Sheesh that's hard, a lot of responsibility!"

"Yeah, it was pretty hard but it was all worth it seeing my brothers smile, I'd always fight off the bullies and make sure they were ready for school each day when mum couldn't..."

"Are you and your mum close?"

"I guess, I still call her up every now and then, send her a card, but it's not like I see her everyday"

"I see, so Harley, you ever have a boyfriend?"


"Oh I can't believe for a minute that a pretty girl like you wouldn't have a single boyfriend!"

"Actually, I did. He, I, well I was doing an experiment that back fired and well, he, he became obsessed with a false reality and- well, he believed he was a murderer and killed himself..."

"Oh Harley I'm sorry! I really am! I tell you to call me if you want to talk about it but I don't appear to have a phone, maybe you could see me sometime?"

Although I knew everything about getting my way around men, that's how I got through psychology anyway, it was different with him, and I didn't really know how to tell if I was doing the wrong thing with a patient, I think I missed that lecture, so later that night I thought to myself, "why don't I go down and check on him?" It was inoccent enough. I only wanted to see him again, and I needed my notes in pronto, therefor this time with the joker would be vital. So late at night I marched down to Arkham asylum and unlocked the padded cell, entered, locked the cell and sat down.


"Hello Mr Joker" I muttered, almost a little annoyed at how I'd brought myself to do this. Just a cheap way to get the best notes.

"What ever is the matter my dear?"

"You see, I've been working on your notes and- and Id like to speak to you" I stuttered, in truth I didn't know what to say, I couldn't exactly ask 'Hello why are you crazy and how do I fix you?' But then again I thought that perhaps I'd be able to make the biggest break through and cure its biggest criminal.

"Ya know HQ, I have a cute lil name for you, dontya think Mr Joker seems a little formal?"

"Well would it help if I gave you a nickname?"

"I'd like to think so, it'd make me feel a lot closer to you"

"Well, how about I call you J? Mr J?"

"Oh yes, I like that, you and me Harley, we're gonna get on like a house on fire"

Authors note:
So I just thought I'd tell you I'm putting strips from the comic which refers to something I mention in the chapter just so those of you who haven't read the comics know what I'm talking about :)

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